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Los selfies.

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Presentation on theme: "Los selfies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los selfies

2 ¿Qué es un selfie? A selfie is a self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often shared on social networking services such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. They are usually flattering and made to appear casual. Most selfies are taken with a camera held at arm's length or pointed at a mirror, rather than by using a self-timer. -Wikipedia…don’t ever use wikipedia ;)







9 ¿Por qué? So why are we talking about selfies? First mini project!! :)

10 Trabajo You will create a powerpoint to display your selfies and components required.

11 Trabajo Requirements:
5 selfies (each highlighting a specific vocab word) Each selfie represents a different chapter MUST be actual selfies of yourself Each selfie must include a caption in SPANISH Must be a complete sentence Each selfie must include a # with the vocab word Title of: Los selfies de ______________

12 Los selfies de Cristina
Me gusta comer papas fritas en el almuerzo. #papasfritas #delicioso

13 La clase de tecnología es divertida.
Los selfies de un chico La clase de tecnología es divertida. #tecnología #divertida

14 When is it due… 1st hour will NOT have any time in computer lab there for you will have one extra day to turn it in. 5,6 & 7th hour – computer lab 201 TOMORROW so try to take your selfies TODAY!!

15 How will you be graded? To get an A – all requirements and submitted by Friday To get a B – all requirements and submitted by Saturday To get a C – all requirements and submitted by Sunday To get a D – all requirements and submitted by Monday Note that this does not mean you will automatically get an A if submitted Friday. Your work will also have to be perfect or close to it!

16 How will you be graded? Title 5 selfies
Each is a diff vocab from a DIFFERENT chapter Your sentence…is a complete sentence. Your hashtag Spelling/grammar Creativity/effort

17 How? Take the pictures with your phone/iphone. Maybe a friend’s phone or your parent’s phone. it to yourself. Before you begin to work on your powerpoint, inform me of your words. Make sure your words are reasonable. DO NOT use words such as ‘el’…there is no cool picture to show ‘the’.

18 Submitting it to me according to the grade you want…meaning on that day. The subject for you should be your first initial, last name and class hour. Example: Subject: n.stewart1


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