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Social Security Reforms in Germany

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Presentation on theme: "Social Security Reforms in Germany"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Security Reforms in Germany
Ulrich Becker Financial Crisis and Social Security Reforms in Germany Moscow, Higher School of Economics, March 2017

2 Financial Crisis and Labour Market
Ulrich Becker Introduction Financial Crisis and Labour Market Social Policy Reactions to the Financial Crisis Social Law Reforms before the Financial Crisis Evaluation and Outlook

3 Financial Crisis and Labour Market Correlations
Ulrich Becker Financial Crisis and Labour Market Correlations

4 Financial Crisis and Labour Market Unemployment Rates
Ulrich Becker Financial Crisis and Labour Market Unemployment Rates

5 Financial Crisis and Labour Market
Ulrich Becker Financial Crisis and Labour Market

6 Social Policy Reactions General Remarks
Ulrich Becker Social Policy Reactions General Remarks no changes regarding employment protection (dismissals) no changes regarding collective agreements

7 Social Policy Reactions Social Insurance
Ulrich Becker Social Policy Reactions Social Insurance Reduction of SHI contributions Back to the level before the crisis (as in 2008) Indivdual complementary contribution (‚Kassenindividueller Zusatzbeitrag‘)

8 Social Policy Reactions
Ulrich Becker Social Policy Reactions

9 Social Policy Reactions Social Insurance
Ulrich Becker Social Policy Reactions Social Insurance Reform of short-time working benefit Conditions: regular individual working time shorted for more than 10 % as a consequence of economic causes or an unavoidable event shortage for a limited period of time (not permanent!)

10 Social Policy Reactions Social Insurance
Ulrich Becker Social Policy Reactions Social Insurance Reform of short-time working benefit Calculation: Regular working hours net wage differential Shortage due to crisis Benefit: 60 or 67 %

11 Social Policy Reactions Social Insurance
Ulrich Becker Social Policy Reactions Social Insurance Reform of short-time working benefit Lengthening of benefit duration Simplification of the conditions (prerequisits) Reimbursement of social insurance contributions

12 Development of short-time work: workers (Source BA)
Ulrich Becker Development of short-time work: workers (Source BA)

13 Development of short-time work: Workers and Firms
Ulrich Becker Development of short-time work: Workers and Firms

14 Pre-Crisis Social Law Reforms Old-Age Pension Insurance
Ulrich Becker Pre-Crisis Social Law Reforms Old-Age Pension Insurance

15 Pre-Crisis Social Law Reforms Old-Age Pension Insurance
Ulrich Becker Pre-Crisis Social Law Reforms Old-Age Pension Insurance Old age pensions reform act 1992 Invalidity pensions reform act 2000 Amending Law on Retirement Assets 2001 Retirement Assets Law 2001 Contribution Rate Stability Law 2002 Accompanying Budget Law 2003 Pension Insurance Sustainability Law 2004

16 Pre-Crisis Social Law Reforms Old-Age Pension Insurance
Ulrich Becker Pre-Crisis Social Law Reforms Old-Age Pension Insurance Private pensions = second pillar Rising the pension age Adaptation of the “general pension value”

17 Pre-Crisis Social Law Reforms Old-Age Pension Insurance
Ulrich Becker Pre-Crisis Social Law Reforms Old-Age Pension Insurance

18 Pre-Crisis Social Law Reforms
Ulrich Becker Pre-Crisis Social Law Reforms

19 Adjustment Formula, § 68 SGB VI
Ulrich Becker Pre-Crisis Social Law Reforms Adjustment Formula, § 68 SGB VI DBE = average amount of gross wage NQ = net quote share of wage RNQ = net quote share of pension RVB = rate of contribution to pension insurance AVA = allotment for private retirement arrangements RQ = pensioners ratio

20 Financial Crisis and Labour Market Unemployment Benefits
Ulrich Becker Financial Crisis and Labour Market Unemployment Benefits 2003/04: so-called ‚Hartz-Reforms‘= statutes on ‚modern services on the labour market‘

21 Financial Crisis and Labour Market Unemployment Benefits
Ulrich Becker Financial Crisis and Labour Market Unemployment Benefits

22 Financial Crisis and Labour Market
Ulrich Becker Financial Crisis and Labour Market Flexibilisation of the Labour Market Insurance and Contributions Introduction of a transition zone (‚Gleitzone‘) 0 – 400 Euro: no contributions 400 – 800 Euro: reductions of contributions Introduction of working-time accounts allowed for reduction of working time between 2008 and 2009 (32 %)

23 Hiring or recieving company
Ulrich Becker Financial Crisis and Labour Market Flexibilisation of the Labour Market Facilitation of Temporary Work Temporary Work (temporary employment agency work) Hiring or recieving company Temporary work agency Labour contract Work

24 Financial Crisis and Labour Market
Ulrich Becker Financial Crisis and Labour Market Flexibilisation of the Labour Market Facilitation of Temporary Work Removal of restrictions Administrative simplification Principle of equal treatment

25 Ulrich Becker

26 Evaluation and Outlook Findings
Ulrich Becker Evaluation and Outlook Findings Explanation for the ‚Job-Wunder‘ ?

27 Evaluation and Outlook Findings
Ulrich Becker Evaluation and Outlook Findings Unemployment Rates

28 Evaluation and Outlook Findings
Ulrich Becker Evaluation and Outlook Findings

29 Evaluation and Outlook Findings
Ulrich Becker Evaluation and Outlook Findings Explanation for the ‚Job-Wunder‘ ? A ‚Model‘ for exportation ?

30 Evaluation and Outlook Findings
Ulrich Becker Evaluation and Outlook Findings

31 Evaluation and Outlook Findings
Ulrich Becker Evaluation and Outlook Findings

32 Evaluation and Outlook Corrective Measures
Ulrich Becker Evaluation and Outlook Corrective Measures statutory minimum wage in 2015 efectiveness of old-age pension insurances

33 Evaluation and Outlook
Ulrich Becker Evaluation and Outlook

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