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Specification on float equipment

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1 Specification on float equipment
API Spec 10F Specification on float equipment

2 Results of Letter ballot
22 Ballots issued 17 affirmative 1 negative 1 abstention 3 no vote Number Voting = 19 = 86% (must be > 50%) Approval Rate = 17/18 = 94% (must be > 66.7%)

3 Comments 68 Comments Received All comments addressed 36 Editorial
10 General 22 Technical All comments addressed Responses sent to work group members Three comments require additional action

4 Action items Add a category for 350 degrees F
Need to finalize discussion – could add to inventory control problems Consider change for requirement to photograph equipment after testing Requirement will remain as it adds value Change requirement for pressure up time for static test Change to be made to reflect timing of pressure up Final language still being revised

5 Action items Scaling Original text called to perform scaling as per Q1
The term scaling does not appear in Q1 and will change the section to reflect how qualification of equipment may be done Multiple casing grades of the same size Will work on clarifying language

6 Forward plan Complete resolution of comments
Re-ballot portions that were technically changed Send final document to publications

7 Timelime Work group participants received comments
Received feedback from majority of participants Waiting on negative vote resolution Anticipate finalization of changes by end of February Letter re-ballot in March Specification issued by Q ?

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