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Presentation on theme: "Help.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Help.

2 FIRST, Open Excel and add text file.
Your data will be in rows instead of columns as shown above. FIRST, Open Excel and add text file.

3 SAVE your data and then delete everything up to column AI
SAVE your data and then delete everything up to column AI. The valuable data begins as a single row and continues to the right.

4 Select the single row (above) and COPY it and click on an empty cell like A5
Go to the paste menu and click on Paste special… Then check the transpose box and click OK.

5 Delete the long row and the empty cells above it, except for one where you will add field headings.
Right-click on the A column heading and click insert to move the column to the right.

6 Check the buttons as shown and to the left.
Enter headings and the years 2014 and 2013 as shown, then select the column from 2014 down to the last column containing data. Click on Fill > Series… and then the Series box will open up. Check the buttons as shown and to the left. Enter -1 for Step value to add all the years for your data in descending order.

7 Precipitation data must be totaled for the 6 months of:
OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH and added for each year. You may have several decades of precipitation data.

8 To correlate your data, select an empty cell.
Click the AutoSum drop down arrow > More Functions… then select Statistical as a category and pick CORREL as a category Click OK. Enter the cell ranges for all the ring width and precipitation data that you have. Click OK. The empty cell you’ve chosen will display a correlation value.


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