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Cognitive therapies LO: be able to describe and evaluate cognitive therapies to abnormalities.

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Presentation on theme: "Cognitive therapies LO: be able to describe and evaluate cognitive therapies to abnormalities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognitive therapies LO: be able to describe and evaluate cognitive therapies to abnormalities

2 Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Challenge irrational and dysfunctional thought processes. Beck’s cognitive therapy (depression)

3 Ellis: Rational-emotive behavioural Therapy (REBT)
Based on idea that many problems are the result of faulty thinking. self defeating habits  faulty beliefs about themselves and the world around them. The method can be said to be more confrontational than Beck’s by challenging the clients self defeating beliefs in intense debates….

4 Beck’s (1976) CBT (AO1) Negative schemata = negative thoughts about self, world and future. Challenge thoughts and replace them with more realistic ones How does it work? Complete the flow diagram....

5 Therapist helps client identify negative thoughts & keep a diary
“I have never had a successful relationship & I never will” Therapist challenges dysfunctional cognitions by drawing to positive incidents (however small) Shows negative thoughts are irrational & unrealistic REALITY TESTING (homework between sessions e.g. people don’t like me – count how many people smile at you) Small goals are set to encourage a sense of personal effectiveness and achievement. i.e. With depressed patients getting out of bed & making a cup of tea Beck also uses behavioural techniques to encourage positive behaviour

6 Disputing Beliefs Logical Disputing – self defeating beliefs do not follow logically from the information available does thinking this way make sense? Empirical Disputing – self defeating beliefs may not be consistent with reality where is the proof that my belief is accurate? Pragmatic Disputing – emphasises the lack of usefulness of self defeating beliefs How is this belief likely to help me?

7 AO2  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Strengths
Acknowledge complex cognitive processes Effective treatment – 90% evidence may last longer than effects of drugs

8 AO2  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Limitations
Some negative thoughts are rational & realistic Some people may find self-monitoring stressful and threatening

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