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Identifying and advocating knowledge owners as service providers

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying and advocating knowledge owners as service providers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying and advocating knowledge owners as service providers
LOCAL CHAMPIONS Identifying and advocating knowledge owners as service providers

2 Who are the Local Champions?
Role models-Teachers-Pioneers-Leaders-Ambassadors Owners and providers of solutions

3 CHARACTERISTICS Knowledge and skills
Demonstrate know-how and experience in specific technology/good practices Innovator Able to explain and teach know-how Communication and sharing skills Administrative and organizational skills

4 Status within the community
Leader position Committed to the community and its development Respected member Ability to mobilize people Experience in knowledge sharing Strong cultural/regional identity

5 General qualities Responsible Trustworthy Tolerant Charismatic

6 Necessary conditions Available for teaching and technical assistance
Available for trainings, Learning Routes Gender mainstreaming and youth preferred

7 Why are LCs important? Specific roles (ownership, services, innovations, outreach & exchange, community building, capacity building) Place on Map of Actors Experts in special areas of knowledge Targeting innovations (specialists, areas, administrators, researchers) Systematization (training, contribution, research and development) Advocacy (mapping, directory, exposure, dialogue facilitation, network) Feedback(evaluate strengths, weaknesses, challenges & opportunities) Perspectives (sustainability, autonomy, growth, network)

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