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Presentation on theme: "Rocks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks

2 What are the origins of igneous rocks?
2. How is the composition and texture of igneous rock determined? Begin as magma Formed when magma cools and solidifies Volcanoes Extrusive – formed from lava that erupts onto Earth’s surface Intrusive – formed when magma hardens beneath the Earth’s surface Depends on how fast or slow the magma cools. Fine-grained igneous forms by fast cooling lava EX. Basalt, obsidian, rhyolite Coarse-grained igneous forms by slow cooling magma EX. Granite, gabbro

3 What are the origins of sedimentary rocks?
Examples of sedimentary rock. Weathering and Erosion (sediments) Deposition (sediments deposited) Compaction (sediments compressed) Cementation (sediments glued together) Sandstone Shale Conglomerate Siltstone

4 What are the origins of metamorphic rock?
Examples of metamorphic rock What is the rock cycle? HEAT and PRESSURE Can be formed from all 3 types of rocks Slate Phyllite Schist Gneiss Marble A series of processes that change one type of rock into another type of rock.

5 Rock Cycle Cut out The Rock Cycle diagram and stages on the handout.
Color code The Rock Cycle by coloring the arrows according to the following chart: Follow the arrows to determine where to glue each stage. Glue completed Rock Cycle into your Science Notebook. Summarize the picture in a minimum of 3 sentences. Melting – RED Deposition – BLUE Erosion – GREEN Heat and Pressure - YELLOW Volcanic Activity – ORANGE

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