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Morgan County Schools And Extreme Networks

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Presentation on theme: "Morgan County Schools And Extreme Networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Morgan County Schools And Extreme Networks
Wireless Security Changes October 11, 2016

2 Over the past few years we have added great technologies to our infrastructure:
better routers better switches better network access control security cameras and door access better content filters better data cabling better wireless infrastructure and more wireless devices

3 All these things allowed us to add more devices to our network and provided for better user and classroom experiences. BUT… Tell the story of lawn chair guy

4 We had very little visibility and control in the area of wireless devices on our network.

5 We needed to find a way to monitor and control what was really happening in our network. We had to get a handle on who, what, when and where.

6 Personal devices were appearing all over the place and we had little visibility and control. Right now we are using several wireless security models: Pre-Shared Key - Wi-Fi Protected Access  (WPA-PSK). Requires a pass phrase (password) to be entered. Of course, everyone has this password. 802.1x authentication has provided a method to protect the network behind the access point from intruders as well as provide for dynamic keys and strengthen WLAN encryption. MAC-based authentication (Guest Registration): Forces all traffic through a authentication and multi-level authorization portal.

7 Pre-Shared Key: Wi-Fi Protected Access  (WPA-PSK) will be phased out over the next three months.
The other two authentications will remain with Guest Registration being our focus. There will no longer be a need for passwords. Staff can register with their computer account credentials.

8 The Problem With Pre-Shared Key
Identity and Access The Problem With Pre-Shared Key We could see the device and the location but we could not see who held the device.

9 The Benefit of Better Security Models
Identity and Access The Benefit of Better Security Models Now we can see the device, the location, and the registered user/owner of the device.

10 Identity and Access

11 Port View

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