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Surgical removal of a cone of tissue from the cervix for examination.

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1 Surgical removal of a cone of tissue from the cervix for examination.
Movement Absence of menstrual flow, usually due to a disturbance in hormonal concentrations. Amenorrhea Fold here Movement Surgical removal of a cone of tissue from the cervix for examination. Conization Fold here Movement Surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated and the endometrium of the uterus is scraped. It is commonly call D and C, for dilatation (dilation) and curettage. Curettage Fold here

2 Movement Dysmenorrhea Movement Endometriosis Movement Epididymitis
Painful menstruation. Fold here Movement Tissue similar to the inner lining of the uterus in the pelvic cavity. Endometriosis Fold here Movement Epididymitis Inflammation of the epididymis. Fold here

3 Movement Hematometra Movement Hysterectomy Movement Mastitis
Accumulation of menstrual blood within the uterine cavity. Hematometra Fold here Movement Hysterectomy Fold here Surgical removal of the uterus. Movement Mastitis Inflammation of a mammary gland. Fold here

4 Movement Oophorectomy Movement Orchiectomy Movement Orchitis
Fold here Surgical removal of an ovary. Movement Orchiectomy Surgical removal of a testis. Fold here Movement Orchitis Fold here Inflammation of a testis.

5 Movement Prostatectomy Movement Prostatitis Movement Salpingectomy
Surgical removal of a portion or all of the prostate gland. Fold here Movement Prostatitis Inflammation of the prostate gland. Fold here Movement Surgical removal of a uterine tube. Salpingectomy Fold here

6 Movement Vaginitis Movement Varicocele
Inflammation of the vaginal lining. Fold here Movement Distention of the veins within the spermatic cord. Varicocele Fold here

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