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Person-Centered Therapy

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Presentation on theme: "Person-Centered Therapy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Person-Centered Therapy

2 P-C Therapy Challenges…
Directive & ____________ Approaches An approach of ___________________ A belief that clients need___________ A focus on problems instead of_______

3 P-C Therapy Emphasizes…
Therapy is shared by______________ The client’s striving for_______________ The therapist’s__________________ The counselor’s creation of______________ The quality of_______________

4 Views of Human Nature Striving toward ____________________
Having the ___________________ Having ____________________ Being______________________ Actualizing_____________________

5 Core concepts Empathy Congruence/genuineness
Unconditional positive regard

6 Therapeutic Goals goals are___________________
an openness to ____________ a trust in _____________ acceptance of _____________ Being less concerned about_________________ Becoming a ___________________

7 Therapist’s function To be__________________
To focus on __________________ To be real____________________ Through the therapist’s genuine caring, respect, acceptance, and understanding, ____________________________

8 Therapist’s Role Believe in _______________________ Use of_____
Express feelings_______________________ Value__________________ Is________________ Serve as a model of____________________

9 Client’s Experience in Therapy
Incongruence feeling understood and accepted Therapeutic relationship activate_________

10 Relationship Between T and C
Emphasizes Therapist listening in an accepting way to their clients, _____________________

11 Relationship Between T and C
Congruence Unconditional positive regards Accurate empathic understanding

12 Therapeutic techniques & procedures
No techniques Not simply to restate___________ Therapeutic relationship is ____________ Therapist’s presence The best source of knowledge about the client is ________

13 Two Types of Research on P-C
A. The importance of the Core Conditions (Genuineness, acceptance, and empathy) for Change 1. Barkhan & Shapiro (1986) 2. Bachelor (1988): four different client perceptions of empathy 3. Client Evaluation of Counselor Scale (Hamilton, 2000): an instrument for clients’ perception of core conditions

14 Two Types of Research on P-C
B. Comparing the effectiveness of Person-Center Therapy with other theories : most P-C research in____; most recent research on P-C in _____________ 2. P-C Therapy is_______ (Greenberg, Elliott, & Litaer, 1994) 3. But,__is more effective than P-C therapy for adults 4. _________ is more effective than P-C for anxiety ***Who benefits best from which types of therapy***

15 From a multicultural perspective
Contributions Reached_______________ and translated to__________ Similarity b/w_________ and __________ Limitations Some may like_______________ Some may focus on_________ May be_______________

16 Summary and Evaluation
Contributions Active role____________ Inner and _____________ Relationship__________ Focus on ______________ Focus on_______________ Value___________________

17 Summary and Evaluation
Limitations discount___________________ Misunderstanding_________________

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