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Presentation on theme: "REGION VI REGIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE University of Washington,"— Presentation transcript:

Aug 10th-12th, 2018 University of Washington, Seattle, WA

2 Senator and Parliamentarian
REGION VI REGIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Zone Functions: Senator and Parliamentarian Presented By: Dennis Kibe, Region VI Parliamentarian

3 Presentation Overview
Role of Senator Parliamentary Procedure Governing Documents Overview Amendment Proposals Questions/Comments/Concerns

4 Role of the Senator

5 What is the NSBE Senate Selected group of collegiate members (2 per chapter), representing their respective collegiate chapters Represent the will of the NSBE Membership Have a working knowledge of NSBE governing documents and the proper use of Parliamentary Procedure Make informed decisions on behalf of the membership in regional and national business Report to their chapters all issues discussed during National/Regional meetings

6 What is the Regional Senate
Subset of the NSBE National Senate representing the membership of a particular region Convenes at all Regional Conferences and during the National Convention Elects the members of Regional Executive Board and National Executive Board Vote on matters related to issues and concerns that affect the members of the society on the regional and national level

7 Senator Responsibilities
Have a working knowledge of NSBE governing documents and the proper use of Parliamentary Procedure Vote on the elected officers of the National Executive Board and Regional Executive Board Vote on amendments to the National Constitution and Bylaws Speak on behalf of their respective chapter in Regional and National business

8 Senator Selection Each chapter should appoint two (2) chapter senators
Must be a member as defined by Art III Sec. 3 (a) of the Nat’l Constitution. Chapter senators should be selected as soon as possible Should select senators when CEB is elected Ideally someone with previous NSBE experience or who is willing to put the time in to learn about NSBE operations E.g. previous or potential NSBE leader

9 Regional Conference Attendance
Regional Leadership Conference Each chapter should be represented to collect information Chapter Senator/Delegate Training Workshop Training on parliamentary procedure and overview of governing documents Empowering senators to adopt the House of Senate Fall Regional Conference Present initial proposals for National and Regional Ballot Any additional Regional Business

10 National Convention National Senators receive discounted registration
Names must be on file with National Parliamentarian in NSBE Connect Mandatory sessions at convention All General Sessions and regional meetings National Forums, National Candidate Functions National Q & A Be aware of any regional obligations National Voting will take place Saturday of convention All senators must vote!

11 Role of the Parliamentarian

12 Parliamentary Responsibilities
Assists the president with managing meetings and advises on parliamentary procedure Chairs committee to review chapter constitution each year Arranges elections committee Provides guidance to the Chapter Executive Board while using Robert’s Rules of Order

13 Parliamentarian Procedure

14 Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance
1. Adjourn Meeting “I move to adjourn” 2. Amend a Motion b. “I move to amend the motion by……” 3. Temporarily suspend topic c. “I move to table the motion”

15 Governing Document Procedure

16 VoteNet Voting Process Breakdown
National Documents Governing Documents National Constitution National Bylaws National Code of Conduct Policy Operating Documents National Operating Guidelines National Conflict of Interest Policy National Logo Policy National Verification Policy National Advisory Board Operating Guidelines

17 VoteNet Voting Process Breakdown
Regional Documents Chapter Documents Regional Bylaws Regional Operating Guidelines Regional Advisor Board Operating Guidelines

18 Amendment Proposal Process

19 Amendment Proposal Process
Proposing an Amendment Complete Amendment Proposal Form Submit to DRC will review and provide recommendations Document with recommendations sent to authors and respective parliamentarian Timeline All Amendment Proposals are due on the last day of the month The DRC will meet on the 2nd Sunday of each month

20 Amendment Proposal Form
This form ensures consistency of information submitted by members of society

21 Amendment Approval Process
Regional Governing Documents Requirements outlined in Regional bylaws National Governing Documents Bylaws Amendment Amended by: 2/3 vote of senators attending convention 2/3 vote of voting NEB members Constitutional Amendment Proposed by: 2/3 vote of NEB 1/3 voting members or chapters through national referendum 2/3 of the senators at a regional meeting Ratification 3/4 affirmative vote of the senators present at convention

22 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

23 Thank you !!! Dennis Kibe 2018-19 R6 Parliamentarian

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