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John Adams’ Presidency

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1 John Adams’ Presidency

2 Lawyer from Boston Married to Abigail Adams Assisted Thomas Jefferson in writing the Declaration of Independence Sent by Massachusetts to both of the Continental Conventions

3 Wrote much of the Massachusetts Constitution (Also wrote Thoughts on Government)

4 Served as Vice President under George Washington for two terms

5 Became the 2nd President of the United States in 1796

6 Adams was the Presidential candidate for the Federalist party (Thomas Jefferson ran as the Democratic Republican candidate) Jefferson lost but served as Adams’ Vice President

7 The XYZ Affair & The Quasi-War

8 Relations with France soured after the Jay Treaty was ratified in 1795
Relations with France soured after the Jay Treaty was ratified in France then attacked and captured nearly 300 American ships.

9 Adams was not a fan of a relationship with France
Adams was not a fan of a relationship with France. The French also did not like Adams (When he was elected they expelled US Ambassadors from France)

10 In hopes of appeasing and preventing war with France, Adams sent a group of 3 delegates to France to negotiate. This group included Elbridge Gerry, Charles C. Pinckney, and John Marshall

11 When they arrived in France they did not meet with French diplomats at first. They were met by French agents telling them that they would have to pay to meet with French foreign minister.

12 These French agents were known only as X, Y, and Z (This was done to protect their names)

13 When the news of this bribe reached the US, many Americans were angered and believed that war with France was inevitable.

14 Congress began preparing for war
Congress began preparing for war. (Setting aside finances, building ships, raising an army) Adams convinced Washington to come out of retirement and lead the army.

15 Called the Quasi-War because they never actually fought but had a naval stand-off

16 How did they prevent this war?

17 Adams sent a diplomat to France to negotiate with Napoleon They cancelled the Treaty of Alliance of 1778, therefore breaking ties with France. (Washington would have approved this break)

18 Alien and Sedition Acts

19 Signed by Adams in These Acts included four separate Acts: The Naturalization Act The Alien Act The Alien Enemies Act The Sedition Act

20 The Naturalization Act Lengthened the amount of time one had to be a resident in the US before they could gain citizenship to 14 years.

21 The Alien Act/ The Alien Enemies Act Gave the president the right to deport foreigners believed to be dangerous to the country.

22 The Sedition Act Made it a criminal offense to write or publish any slanderous, malicious, or false writing against the US This was punishable with 2-5 years in prison or up to a $5,000 fine.

23 Virginia and Kentucky Resolution

24 Written in opposition to the Sedition Acts Thomas Jefferson wrote the Kentucky Resolution James Madison wrote the Virginia Resolution

25 They believed that these Acts were a violation of citizens First Amendment rights. What rights are included in the First Amendment?

26 Both Jefferson and Madison advocated that the states had the right to declare any laws null and void. No other states joined them in these resolutions

27 Adams ran for re-election in 1800 but lost to Thomas Jefferson

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