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Wednesday 11/28/18 Bell Ringer: When doing a lab activity what are some of the most important safety rules to remember? Turn in your Quick Sketch Label.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday 11/28/18 Bell Ringer: When doing a lab activity what are some of the most important safety rules to remember? Turn in your Quick Sketch Label."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday 11/28/18 Bell Ringer: When doing a lab activity what are some of the most important safety rules to remember? Turn in your Quick Sketch Label to the drawer.

2 3 key expectations for safety
Follow directions as written and ask questions if you do not understand. No horseplay. Report any lost or broken materials right away.

3 Gravity Force of attraction between 2 masses It can only pull not push
Directed from the center of Earth Law of universal gravitation: every object in the universe attracts every other object

4 Gravity Lab: What is Doing the Pulling?
You can use magnets to model the force of gravity between two objects. In this activity, the strength of the magnet will represent the mass of an object.

5 Lab Questions Complete question number 2 only.
Record answer in your spiral. Use complete sentences and give data examples to support your answer.

6 Assignment: Due Friday 11/30
Create Vocabulary Thinking Charts for the following terms: Gravity You may not directly copy the example on the pink sheet. You can use the connected workd, but must include 2 more. Weight

7 The greater the distance, the less the force
Gravity and Distance The greater the distance, the less the force

8 Gravity The strength of the force of gravity between two objects depends on two factors: 1. mass of the objects (If mass increases, force increases) 2. distance between the objects (If distance increases, force decreases)

9 Weight A downward-pulling force on an object due to gravity. Changes depending on where you are. Where would the flag be lighter? On Earth On Moon

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