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Icelandic Experience on economic crises. Legislation on equal pay

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1 Icelandic Experience on economic crises. Legislation on equal pay
Eyglo Hardardottir Project manager for 2nd stage housing Domestic Shelter Iceland Member of Althingi Minister of Social affairs and Housing

2 Pre-2007

3 Financial crisis

4 Landsbankinn, Glitnir, Kaupthing collapse
First Glitnir (announced intentions to nationalise the bank the 29th of September, then taken over by the Financial Supervisory Authority on the 8th of October), then Landsbankin the 7th of October. Landsbankinn, Glitnir, Kaupthing collapse By Holi-holi - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

5 Why?




9 Unemployment


11 Real wage growth


13 Gini – income distribution of OECD´s residents


15 Average wages 2017


17 Government Labour market Social benefits Did gender matter?

18 Equal pay certification

19 The Gender pay Gap 2008-2016 YEAR EXPLAINED NON EXPLAINED TOTAL
9,7 4,8 14,5 8,6 4,6 13,2 8,2 12,8 7,9 4,5 12,4 7,2 4,4 11,6 6,8 4,1 10,9 6,6 3,6 10,2 7,4 12,2 The Gender pay Gap


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