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Welcome to Biology! Find a seat, four students per table.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Biology! Find a seat, four students per table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Biology! Find a seat, four students per table.

2 Biology Name Card Create a name card by folding your cardstock in half and writing your name in large letters. Inside name card write: One thing I want Ms. Fox to know about me… One thing I want the class to know about me…

3 Transitions – Getting your attention
Chime will ring and you have 10 seconds end conversations and focus your attention. Let’s practice with a game.

4 Give One, Take One Each student will take 1 sticky note.
Write your name on the note. Describe a summer activity related to one area of science: Earth Science Physics Biology

5 Biology– Ms. Fox

6 Give One, Take One Mingle around the room to find a partner to share:
Give them a High FIVE! Both share your sticky note. TRADE sticky notes. Listen for the chimes. Move repeat #1 but you are not sharing someone else’s experiences not your own. 4. Let’s share!!


8 Opening Activity: Sept. 6, 2018
Collect your name tag from front table and find your seat. Discuss with your table: A time you have been in a successful group. What qualities about your group made it successful? I can… Explain group expectations in biology Explain class expectations & protocols Homework: 9/10 Signatures Safety/ Syllabus Quiz

9 Cup Stacking Challenge
Challenge: Build a pyramid out of the plastic cups Group cannot touch cups with their hands or any other body parts, even if a cup falls over or onto the floor.  Materials available: string, ruler, rubberband & pencil Two formations:

10 Cup Stacking Challenge
Build a pyramid out of the plastic cups with a tool Group cannot touch cups with their hands or any other body parts, even if a cup falls over or onto the floor.  Group must use the string/rubber band tool to move cups. One more try…

11 Discuss with your group
How did you approach the tasks given? Did you have someone who stepped up as the leader or, was someone elected? What roles did students have in solving the problem? Explain how your group worked together,  what did it look like, sound like and feel like?   What would you try differently next time? Be prepared to share with the class. Where all ideas heard by all team members? If not, why? How did it make you feel?

12 Classroom Expectations
H Helpful Clean up after yourself Treat materials and classroom with respect Help your classmates if you can A Aware Be safe during lab activities classmates when speaking Use bathroom, sharpen pencil and use technology at appropriate times. W Worker Focus and engage in class work Take responsibility for your learning and contribute. Reflect on your learning Act if you fall behind or do not understand K Kind Include everyone Consider others’ feelings Use thoughtful language when discussing & arguing .

13 Classroom Expectations
. If expectations are not met: Verbal warning Removed from situation & reflection Phone call home, student-teacher conference, lunch detention Report to administrator

14 Safety & Videos

15 What if I need to go to locker, bathroom, nurse, etc. in biology?
Student Check-In/Check Out clipboard No passes first/last 10 minutes Ask teacher first One student out at a time MUST have a pass to leave class! Be sure to sign out when you leave Be sure to sign in when you return

16 Biology Classroom Jobs Fair
Gallery Walk – SIENTLY, walk to the various jobs posted at each table. In your journal, write down your answers to the following questions: How would this job benefit the classroom community? What would it take to do this job well (skills, attitude, etc.)? Is this job appealing to me? Why?

17 Biology Classroom Jobs!
Door Greeter Summarizer Entry Task Driver Time Manager Homework Crier Teacher Assistant Equipment Manager Runner

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