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Properties of Equality

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1 Properties of Equality
Notes 2.5 Properties of Equality

2 Addition and Subtraction Properties of Equality
If a = b, then a + c = b + c If a = b, then a - c = b - c

3 Multiplication and Division Properties of Equality
If a = b, then ac = bc If a = b, then a/c = b/c

4 Reflexive Property of Equality
a = a Anything equals itself

5 Symmetric Property of Equality
If a = b, then b = a Mirror Image

6 Transitive Property of Equality
If a = b and b = c, then a = c

7 Substitution Property of Equality
If a = b, then b may be substituted for a in any expression.

8 Distributive Property of Equality
a(b + c) = ab + ac a(b – c) = ab - ac

9 Given: 2x+5 = 17 Prove x = 6 Statement Reason 1) 2x + 5 = 17 1) Given
2) Subtract = 3) X = 6 3) Division =

10 Given: 4x+5 = 6x - 9 Prove x = 7 Statement Reason 1) 4x + 5 = 6x - 9
2) Subtract = 3) 14 = 2x 3) Add = 4) Division = 4) X = 7

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