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Johnson and Jump Journal

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1 Johnson and Jump Journal
Week of January 22-25, 2019 “ There are many little ways to enlarge your world. Love of books is the best of all. -Jacqueline Kennedy Math Students will continue learning about Division facts in Unit 8. They will be learning about fact families with 8 and 9, solving multistep problems, and solving multiplication and division equations. The students will have a facts quiz on Friday on multiplication facts. Please practice multiplication facts at home. Tuesday students will be using their multiplication skills to work together as secret agents and solve a puzzle on Secret Agent Day. Unit 4 week 3: EQ: How do animals adapt to challenges in their habitat? Comprehension: compare/contrast, reread, Vocabulary context clues, Grammar: helping verbs Writing:strong opening paragraphs Vocabulary Words: alert, competition, environment, excellent, prefer, protect, related, shelter Spelling words: taught, paused, crawl, salt, water, hauls, squawk, flawless, talked, bought, caused, drawing, lawn, stalked, halls, water, bought, thoughtless *Reading Logs are due on Fridays Science/Social Studies Reading Science – The Water Cycle/States of Matter Social Studies-Martin Luther King / famous Black Americans Dates to Remember Jan 21st – No School Jan 22nd – Secret Agent Day(100th Day of School)– dress like a secret agent, activities in class that day Jan 31st – STEM skating field trip Feb 8th – School field trip to see Annie Jr.

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