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Published byMaurice Montgomery Modified over 6 years ago
In Goal Judging 2018 Until technology takes over the in goal judge full fills a vital / pivotal role in the team of match officials. This presentation has been designed to highlight the duties and responsibilities and to act as a guide for those involved. The notes accompanying the slides are to stimulate discussion
Duties and Responsibilities
Communicating to the referee whether or not a “Try” should be awarded Mark where try was scored Adjudicate on Touch, touch in goal & dead in goal Reporting foul play On field advice – knock on / interference / short General game related observations, structured half time information Be a part of the match officials team at all times To fill in appropriate forms and reports The above outlines the role and responsibilities of the in goal judge but is not an exhaustive list. The following slides will add some detail to each of the points
Positioning Kick off – the in goal judge stands behind the dead ball line between TJ & the goal posts Kick Off TJ IG Before the kick off are you clear which end you are going to, which touch line you will be standing on for a conversion from between the posts, have you got the TJ’s water / drink, pen and paper - are you ready. The slides details the ‘typical’ position an in goal may adopt at a kick off, however consideration should be given to the prevailing conditions: Is the kicker left or right footed The direction of and strength of any wind The positions adopted by the kicking team The score All should be considered in order to assess where you should be in order to be in the best position . Remember you may be expected to make a decision on Ball out on the full Ball taken dead by a catcher Knock on in the in goal Even a try scored directly from a kick off TJ
Positioning Penalty kick at goal – the in goal judge stands behind the dead ball line in a position where they think ball might land if the penalty is not successful Penalty kick at goal IG IG TJ TJ Again this it the normal position for ‘both’ in goals. This is not a time to rest for the ‘active’ in goal all the what if’s should be considered: Ball hits the bar or up right Ball caught by defender – does he stay in the field of play Missed attempt knocked on by defender Just a few things which may happen
Positioning Penalty kick at goal – the in goal judge stands behind the dead ball line where they think ball might land if the penalty is not successful upon which play may continue – if the penalty kick at goal is directly in front of the posts the in goal can choose either side Penalty kick at goal IG IG TJ TJ Reinforce the ‘what if’s
Conversion kick at goal
Positioning Conversion kick at goal – the in goal judge stands behind the dead ball line where it meets the touch in goal line – depending on which side of the field the conversion is taken from would determine which side of the field the in goal would stand Conversion kick at goal IG IG TJ TJ In goals opposite each other
Conversion kick at goal
Positioning Conversion kick at goal – the in goal judge stands behind the dead ball line where it meets the touch in goal line – depending on which side of the field the conversion is taken from would determine which side of the field the in goal would stand Conversion kick at goal TJ TJ Note that the in goals are opposite each other IG IG
Conversion kick at goal
Positioning Conversion kick at goal – the in goal judge stands behind the dead ball line where it meets the touch in goal line – if the conversion attempt is directly in front of the goals the in goals will go to the predetermined side they had chosen before kick off Conversion kick at goal IG IG TJ TJ Predetermined means that the in goals should agree on this before the game, consideration should be given to the location of the players tunnel. This becomes appropriate should a try be scored at the end of a half
Positioning Penalty kick to touch – the in goal judge stands close to the touch line adjudicating & giving a signal to which side of the corner flag the ball went i.e. touch (if inside the 20m zone) or touch in goal Penalty kick to touch TJ IG Players most likely to take a penalty kick for touch should be identified prior to kick off, this from the team sheet and by observation during the team warm up. Is he left or right footed, would you expect him to take it ‘quickly’. Match day conditions may dictate to which touch the ball is kicked, getting into position is important to make any necessary call, remember the ‘what ifs’ in particular a defender attempting to keep the ball in play - does he jump from the field of play, 2012 rule applies has he taken the ball into touch. Some of the ‘what if’s’: Defender catches the ball on the full whilst straddling the touch / touch in goal Defender keeps the ball in play or did he – was he in the field of play, did the ball bounce in the field of play Is second phase the restart Is it a scrum Only by being in position can you make a call. TJ
Positioning Kick in general play – the in goal judge stands close to the corner flag adjudicating & giving a signal to which side of the corner flag the ball went i.e. touch (if inside the 20m zone) or touch in goal Kick in general play TJ IG As with penalty kicks those most likely to be kicking in general play should be identified prior to the game. Kicks in general play form a major part of any attacking teams tactics and include: A 40/20 attempt An old fashioned up and under or bomb A cross field kick A kick into the in goal A drop goal attempt Anticipating what may happen is vital in order for the in goal to be in a position to make decision. There can be no definitive rule as there are too many variables however things you must consider: Who may be taking the kick – left or right footed Previous kicks, is there a pattern / game plan At what point in the game – 5th and last Position on the pitch The team in possession The score or other conditions Can you position yourself opposite the identified kicker at the PTB if you are anticipating a kick In order to be where the ball is sprinting will be necessary therefore speed and fitness are equally as important as being mindful of where the ball may be going. Remember what it is you may be called up on to judge on: Touch – arm across chest if inside the 20m Touch in goal – arm out at 90 degrees to inform the TJ or cross arms in front of body and signal 20m restart / sticks drop out Dead ball A try A failed attempt to score – held up/failed to ground With all this in mind any ‘edge’ you can give yourself to make the correct call is imperative – be there and be ready for what might happen. If the ball is kicked towards a corner flag then getting to the corner is paramount TJ
Positioning Kick in general play – the in goal judge stands behind the dead ball line and if the ball goes dead over the touch in goal or dead ball line they make a decision on and signal how to restart the game depending on who intentionally played the ball last Kick in general play TJ IG This slide may seem some what simplistic however as discussed on the previous slide any number of things could happen: Ball goes dead Ball taken dead by a defender – 2012 rule applies Ball ‘shepherded’ over the dead ball line by a defender Ball holds up in the in goal, defender anticipating it to go dead, attacker gets to the ball and grounds it - try Just a few thinks which may happen TJ
Positioning General play – both in goal judges should stay in line with the play the ball & then move with the ball as play proceeds keeping in line with the ball where possible Play the ball IG Ball IG Being directly behind the PTB may not be the best position just to one side or the other is more appropriate and is dictated by a number of factors: The position of the referee – look to obtain a different angle. Where the PTB is say within 10 to 15 m of the touch the referee will generally be in the field of play to this you should be between the PTB and the touch line How do you keep in line with the ball the acting half’s foot can be a tell tail as he will swivel a foot in the direction he intends to pass how have the attacking team lined up who is at first receiver – a prop or a half back is it the 5th tackle who is acting half – does he scoot from this position remember the ball can be passed across the pitch quicker than you can run therefore you must anticipate where the ball may be going As with kicks in general play keeping up with play when the ball is in hand is a must in order to be in position to make a decision.
Positioning Play the ball TJ IG TJ Ref
Being directly behind the PTB may not be the best position just to one side or the other is more appropriate and is dictated by a number of factors: The position of the referee – look to obtain a different angle. Where the PTB is say within 10 to 15 m of the touch the referee will generally be in the field of play to this you should be between the PTB and the touch line How do you keep in line with the ball the acting half’s foot can be a tell tail as he will swivel a foot in the direction he intends to pass how have the attacking team lined up who is at first receiver – a prop or a half back is it the 5th tackle who is acting half – does he scoot from this position remember the ball can be passed across the pitch quicker than you can run therefore you must anticipate where the ball may be going As with kicks in general play keeping up with play when the ball is in hand is a must in order to be in position to make a decision. TJ
Positioning Try - As the ball has been grounded in the in goal area the in goal judge needs to be in a position so that they have a view on the ball be grounded - a triangle between referee, touch judge & in goal judge need to be created so everybody has a view – the in goal would stand their ground (not moving) Try TJ IG Try Ref The text on the slide makes this sound easy, do not underestimate the effort you will have to put in to be in the correct position to judge on a grounding. As the header states the signal to the referee that you believe a try should be awarded is to stand still. The points discussed on the earlier slides on positioning all come into play, in terms of the correct position you must remember to: Be at an angle to the player grounding the ball, if you are directly in front it may not be possible to see if the ball is grounded ie lost in the act of attempting to ground the ball Be aware of the position of the referee, do not get in his way he also has to make a call Be in a position to see the ball - sounds so obvious but not always that simple Not to get in the way of the players Having made your call do not switch off, be aware of what the players from both sides are doing, celebrating, gesturing, fighting the list goes on Having stood your ground stating that in your opinion the try should be awarded it may be necessary to adjust your position to mark its exact location, this should only be done once the referee has awarded the try as any movement at this time may cause confusion. Once in position it may also be necessary to guide the TJ into the correct location who will be marking the position for the conversion – this is often necessary as they are pre occupied with passing something on to the referee. Detail of when a try is not awarded discussed on a later slide TJ
Positioning Try - As the ball has been grounded in the in goal area the in goal judge needs to be in a position so that they have a view on the ball be grounded - a triangle between referee, touch judge & in goal judge need to be created so everybody has a view Try TJ Try IG Ref ‘Once you have seen one you have seen them all’ – this does not apply for try’s. Each try must be judged individually being whilst the principals for being in the correct position remain the same remember no 2 try’s are the same. The 2012 Law change (player in possession of the ball touching the corner flag is not touch in goal) at the time these notes were written have yet to be put into practice however it does mean that the IG can be more focussed on the grounding of the ball – but - does not mean that the importance of getting into the corner has diminished. Remember to get an angle on the ball. TJ
Positioning Try - After the ball has been grounded in the in goal area the in goal judge needs to take up a position in line with the ball, on the goal line so that the touch judge can take up the in goals position for mark for the kick at goal Try IG Try Game over you can relax – think again. As stated earlier be aware of what is going on around and make sure you remain in place until the TJ is directly opposite and in the correct position to mark the location of the conversion. The TJ will be using this stoppage to speak to the referee and may not be concentrating on your position – guidance is often necessary. Remember you are part of the team, the reserve ref will be bringing a drink on for the ref take time to ask and pass a drink to the TJ’s
Positioning No Try – If the ball has not been grounded in the in goal area the in goal judge needs to be in a position so that they have a view on the ball not being grounded - a triangle between referee, touch judge & in goal judge need to be created so everybody has a view – upon which the in goal judge would back off communicating the fact it was no Try Try TJ IG No try IG Ref What does ‘back off’ mean. Few grounds have room behind the dead ball line and the stand to back away parallel to the touch line. The movement should be parallel to the dead ball line immediately you have made your own mind up that there is a reason the try should not be awarded. Eye contact should be made with the ref as you back away four or five steps – make sure the ref has seen that you are moving. As with any report a TJ gives a referee these should be concise and in the case of the non awarding of a try these may be for example: Held up Failed to ground correctly – knock on Stolen by a defender more than one in the tackle Your opinion on how the game should be restarted should also be included in the report and will include: Twenty restart PTB on the 10m – when not the 5th tackle Penalty attacking side The IG may consider a scrum or hand over is an appropriate restart if he believes there has been say a knock on at the PTB A penalty to the defending side if the IG believes there was an obstruction in said passage of play It may not be necessary for the referee to stop the game if say the IG backs off where the ball is grounded short of the in goal line / area by calling this to the referee – remember eye contact. TJ
Positioning The in goal should anticipate when a team may be about to attempt a drop goal and should take up a position between the posts in line with the kicker. Drop Goal IG Signalling to the referee a successful / unsuccessful drop goal to the referee is the same as awarding or otherwise a try in that the IG will remain stationary if you believe it should be awarded - until the referee signals – or ‘back off’ if you believe the drop goal should not be given.
Positioning Foul play – If the in goal has seen foul play in the field of play he can communicate that fact by standing under the goal posts. Foul play IG Be prepared to report what you have seen in the same way a TJ would deliver
Positioning In goal area – the in goal judge can move around in the in goal area to get a view of game related incidents – making sure the they do not affect play In goal area IG Stay as active as possible at all times Be ready – there may be long periods in a game when you are not involved Move across the in goal to keep in line with the ball Practice staying with the passer – late hits Make note of anything you may wish to pass on to the referee at half / full time Did you see any foul play which went un punished – inform the match commissionaire / include in your review
Signals At a KICK OFF Ball goes dead on the full: put one arm straight up in the air. Ball bounces & goes dead or touch in goal: point to the sticks to indicate a goal line drop out. In GENERAL PLAY Ball goes dead: point to either the sticks to illustrate a goal line drop out or 20m line to illustrate a 20m optional restart. SEE 2017 SLIDE BELOW Ball goes touch in goal: outstretch one arm out to side of your body towards touch in goal line that the ball has crossed.
Ball goes into touch, within 20m of the goal line: with one hand, touch your shoulder on the opposite side of your body (e.g. use your right hand & touch your left shoulder). Drop goal: stand still and totally upright. Try scored: stand still and totally upright. Try or drop goal NOT scored: back away from the incident. Do not run – stay calm. Attract the referee’s attention using your voice if possible. Foul play witnessed: stand on the goal line, underneath the crossbar.
2017 VERY IMPORTANT 2017 The ball must have bounced on the ground either on or over the dead ball line/touch in goal line for a 20m restart to be awarded. Should the non-kicking team touch the ball whilst playing at it before this happens then a drop out will be awarded Goal Line Drop Out: Agreed by Laws Committee for start of 2017 season: The ball is touch in goal when it touches the corner post, in goal line or any object on or outside the touch in goal line. A player is NOT considered to be an ‘object’. Where the ball which is stationary in the in goal area comes into contact with a player in touch in goal or over the dead ball line, the ball is deemed to have been made dead by that player. The ball must have bounced on the ground either on or over the dead ball line/touch in goal line for a 20m restart to be awarded. Should the non-kicking team touch the ball whilst playing at it before this happens then a drop out will be awarded. Should a kick be made dead by a defending player straddling the dead ball line or touch in goal line play will restart with a goal line drop out
Summary Being in goal is an integral part of the match day team of officials Appointments are earned Be ready and able when called upon
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