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Precambrian. Precambrian Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic.

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Presentation on theme: "Precambrian. Precambrian Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic."— Presentation transcript:


2 Precambrian

3 Paleozoic

4 Mesozoic

5 Cenozoic

6 General 1

7 General 2

8 Precambrian Mesozoic Cenozoic General 1 General 2 Paleozoic $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 The Precambrian Era makes up what % of all of geologic time?

10 88%

11 The organisms that created oxygen in the atmosphere 2
The organisms that created oxygen in the atmosphere 2.5 billion years ago.

12 Photosynthetic bacteria / algae

13 The oldest mineral grains found on Earth that are 4.2 byo.

14 zircon

15 Daily Half!!

16 Large areas of rock that serve as the foundation of continents.

17 shields

18 The name of the first fossils that are 3.5 byo.

19 stromatolites

20 The first shelled organisms, that existed for hundreds of millions of years all through the Paleozoic.

21 trilobites

22 Many new life forms appeared at the beginning of the Paleozoic
Many new life forms appeared at the beginning of the Paleozoic. This is called:

23 Cambrian Explosion

24 The Paleozoic is referred to as the “Age of __.”

25 Life

26 Daily Double!!

27 The mountain range that formed during the Paleozoic Era.

28 Appalachian

29 The extinction event that killed 95% of species at the end of the Paleozoic was caused by this.

30 Marine regression

31 This supercontinent broke up at the beginning of the Jurassic period.

32 Pangaea

33 The mineral dust that was found all over the earth that is common in meteorites which supports the theory on dinosaur extinction.

34 iridium

35 Much of the new sea life that formed late in the Mesozoic that are still around today is referred to as ______ Fauna.

36 Modern

37 These mountains formed during the Mesozoic.

38 Rocky mts.

39 Daily Half!!

40 The name of the dinosaur that is linked to the development of birds.

41 Archaeopteryx

42 The Cenozoic is referred to as the “Age of ____.”

43 mammals

44 Mammals that have opposable thumbs and two eyes directed forward are called these.

45 primates

46 These mountains formed during the Cenozoic.

47 Himalayan

48 The current epoch we are in.

49 Holocene

50 A type of Homo Sapiens that became extinct 30,000 years ago.

51 Neanderthal

52 The country where the oldest rocks have been found.

53 Canada

54 The country where the oldest mineral grains have been found.

55 Australia

56 The age of the Earth and solar system was determined by testing the age of these.

57 Meteorites or moon rocks

58 Vast coal swamps were formed during this Paleozoic Period.

59 Carboniferous

60 The two types of hips that dinosaurs had.

61 Bird, lizard

62 Dinosaurs became extinct due to this.

63 Meteorite impact

64 Primates that walk upright on two legs are called these.

65 hominids

66 The Precambrian Era ended this long ago.

67 570 mya

68 Daily Double!!

69 The ice age epoch.

70 Pleistocene

71 Divisions in geologic time are based on this.

72 Significant changes in geology and biology

73 Final Jeopardy Topic: Mesozoic Era

74 List the 3 periods of the Mesozoic in order from oldest to youngest.

75 Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous

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