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A view from the other side – what is it like to be audited?

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Presentation on theme: "A view from the other side – what is it like to be audited?"— Presentation transcript:

1 A view from the other side – what is it like to be audited?
Jonathan Jones  FCIPS Director of Procurement and Insurance University of Birmingham

2 University of Birmingham
6,600 Staff 31,000 Students

3 The view from the other side
(1) The University Procurement Operation (2) My Audit Experiences (good and bad)

4 (1) The University Procurement Operation

5 University Spend Profile
University Annual Turnover £641,000,000 100%

6 University Spend Profile
University Annual Turnover £641,000,000 100% Pay £362,900,000 57%

7 University Spend Profile
University Annual Turnover £641,000,000 100% Pay £362,900,000 57% Non Pay £278,100,000 43%

8 University Spend Profile
University Annual Turnover £641,000,000 100% Pay £362,900,000 57% Non Pay £278,100,000 43% Our Zone!

9 Of the 43% Non Pay £278,100,000 43% Payments to other institutions £65,100,000 10%

10 Of the 43% Non Pay £278,100,000 43% Payments to other institutions £65,100,000 10% Procurement outside procurement £15,800,000 2%

11 Of the 43% Non Pay £278,100,000 43% Payments to other institutions £65,100,000 10% Procurement outside procurement £15,800,000 2% Spend on purchasing cards £5,900,000 1%

12 Of the 43% Non Pay £278,100,000 43% Payments to other institutions £65,100,000 10% Procurement outside procurement £15,800,000 2% Spend on purchasing cards £5,900,000 1% Spends below £25,000 £16,400,000 3%

13 Of the 43% Non Pay £278,100,000 43% Payments to other institutions £65,100,000 10% Procurement outside procurement £15,800,000 2% Spend on purchasing cards £5,900,000 1% Spends below £25,000 £16,400,000 3% Procurement Impact Spend £174,900,000 27%

14 Of the 27% Procurement Impact Spend £174,900,000 27%
Direct Procurement Control £161,300,000 25%

15 Spend Profile Non Pay Pay

16 The Annual Cost of Procurement
Procurement Operations = £4,225,000

17 The Annual Cost of Procurement
Procurement Operations = £4,225,000 421 staff spend more than 10% of time on it

18 The Annual Cost of Procurement
Procurement Operations = £4,225,000 421 staff spend more than 10% of time on it 125 FTE equivalent

19 The Annual Cost of Procurement
Procurement Operations = £4,225,000 421 staff spend more than 10% of time on it 125 FTE equivalent 200 procurements at any given time

20 The Annual Cost of Procurement
Procurement Operations = £4,225,000 421 staff spend more than 10% of time on it 125 FTE equivalent 200 procurements at any given time 27,694 orders raised across the campus annually

21 The Top Table Argument Procurement 27% to 43%

22 Procurement Challenges
Meeting the demand Due process and EU Directives compliance Sustainable procurement Enough resources Maverick spend Savings targets Performance management

23 Supplier Awards

24 (2) My Audit Experiences (good and bad)

25 What is it like to be audited?
NHS Orders raised and correct documentation Spending of Endowment Funds (equipment) Stock control accuracy

26 What is it like to be audited?
Birmingham City Council Savings delivery assessment Stores annual stock take Fraud issues / supplier set-up

27 What is it like to be audited?
Wolverhampton City Council Forced re-tendering (award criteria) Pre-approval of suppliers Contract compliance (DSO overspends) Audit Committee extracted payments

28 What is it like to be audited?
University of Birmingham Two audits for the price of one ! Purchasing card procedure update College order raising weaknesses

29 Key Observations

30 Key Observations Over-auditing

31 Key Observations Over-auditing Guilty until proven innocent

32 Key Observations Over-auditing Guilty until proven innocent
Solutions offered too “process driven”

33 Key Observations Over-auditing Guilty until proven innocent
Solutions offered too “process driven” Work towards a coordinated solutions approach

34 Common Procurement Problems
Requisitions or orders without a correct contract

35 Common Procurement Problems
Requisitions or orders without a correct contract Orders raised incorrectly against a contract

36 Common Procurement Problems
Requisitions or orders without a correct contract Orders raised incorrectly against a contract Suppliers being added to the system

37 Common Procurement Problems
Requisitions or orders without a correct contract Orders raised incorrectly against a contract Suppliers being added to the system Savings identified not transferring to budgets

38 Common Procurement Problems
Requisitions or orders without a correct contract Orders raised incorrectly against a contract Suppliers being added to the system Savings identified not transferring to budgets Tendering weaknesses

39 Common Procurement Problems
Requisitions or orders without a correct contract Orders raised incorrectly against a contract Suppliers being added to the system Savings identified not transferring to budgets Tendering weaknesses Contract award weaknesses

40 Thank You

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