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Mikhail Z. Tokar and Mikhail Koltunov

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1 Mikhail Z. Tokar and Mikhail Koltunov
IC-MSQUARE 2013 , Prague, „Shell“ approach to modeling of impurity spreading from localized sources in plasma Mikhail Z. Tokar and Mikhail Koltunov Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung – Plasmaphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Association EURATOM-FZJ, Trilateral Euregio Cluster, D Jülich, Germany

2 Outline Tokamak and impurity injection in fusion devices Fluid transport equations for charged impurity species “Shell” model for spreading of impurity ions Verification of “shell” approach Conclusions and outlook

3 D+ +T+  He2+(3.5 MeV) + n (14.1 MeV)
Tokamak Fusion reactions: Confinement of fusion reagents, D+, T+, by magnetic field in a tokamak: D+ +T+  He2+(3.5 MeV) + n (14.1 MeV) JET Injection of Impurities in tokamaks Cooling down of plasma edge and weakening of plasma-wall interaction Investigation and modification of plasma transport properties Softening of harmful consequences of large instabilities

4 3-D fluid transport equations for impurity ions
Coordinate system Particle continuity equations for densities nj of impurity species Momentum balances along magnetic field for parallel flux components jz Heat balances for density of impurity ion thermal energy Wj=1.5njTj Force balance of electrons for parallel electric field Plasma quasi-neutrality for electron density Diffusion flux components across magnetic field

5 Shell model for impurity spreading
z Decay region Source region Shell structure: Source region : j -ions are produced by ionization of j -1 -ions Decay region : j -ions disappear by ionization into j +1 -ions

6 Approximate solutions
Variation on magnetic surfaces  Approximate analytical solutions with error  20% (see below): Recurrent relationships: j-1-shell is the source region of j-shell

7 How to find nj0, j0, jd, ljd,  as functions of t and r ?
New “shell” variables: total number N and momentum  of j-ions in j -shell and its sub-regions: y-region total j-shell z-region source source source source Relations to original variables:

8 Invert interrelations to “shell” variables
1-D equations for “shell” variables  from integrals of transport equations over shell and its sub-regions:

9 Difference between two solutions does not exceed 20%
Verification of shell approach 1-D flow along magnetic field: Numerical solution of 1-D equations: Numerical solution of 0-D shell equations: nj nj Difference between two solutions does not exceed 20%

10 Conclusion & Outlook Shell approach is formulated and 1-D equations for the time variation of radial profiles of shell variables are derived These variables are uniquely related to characteristics of physical ion density, i.e. its maximum value, characteristic dimensions of localization regions Shell approach is verified by comparing numerical solutions of one-dimensional transport equations found directly and in shell approximation Compared to 3-D calculations shell approach allows to reduce calculation time by a factor >104 without a significant error: from years to hours for situations of our interest! Future developments: coupling with particle, momentum and heat balances for main plasma components to describe self-consistently the spreading process and impact of impurity on the plasma

11 Difference between two solutions does not exceed 20%
Verification of shell approach 1-D diffusion equation for perpendicular transport: Numerical solution of 1-D equation: Numerical solution of 0-D shell equations: nj nj Difference between two solutions does not exceed 20%

12 Application of shell approach
Ar-puffing into JET: time evolution of the density radial profiles averaged over magnetic surface maximum on magnetic surface Ar1+ Ar1+ n10 > ni  electron density is significantly perturbed Ar4+ Ar4+ Very strong localization even for ions of significantly high charges  Consequences for heat loads on machine wall

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