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Aim What factors can affect embryonic development?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim What factors can affect embryonic development?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim What factors can affect embryonic development?

2 Environmental Factors
Tobacco Alcohol Inadequate diet Drugs Infections (viruses)

3 Tobacco Low birth weight Brain damage Asthma Premature birth

4 Alcohol Brain damage Abnormal facial features and growth
Fetal alcohol syndrome

5 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

6 Drugs Low birth weight Brain damage Baby addicted to drugs

7 Genetic factors Down syndrome Trisomies 13 and 18 Turner Syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome

8 Diagnosis Abnormalities can be diagnosed using a prenatal test such as an: Amniocentesis

9 1. German measles is a disease that can harm an embryo if the mother is infected in the early stages of pregnancy because the virus that causes German measles is able to absorbed by the embryo from the mother’s milk transported to the embryo in red blood cells 3.pass across the placenta 4.infect the eggs

10 2. A pathogen passing from a mother to her fetus could cause
1.a decrease in the chromosome number of the fetus increase in milk production in the mother 3.gamete production to increase infection in the fetus

11 3. The drinking of alcoholic beverages by a pregnant woman is harmful to the development of her fetus. This is most damaging early in a pregnancy because during this time 1.the lungs of the fetus become functional 2.alcohol can easily enter the mouth of the fetus 3.many of the essential organs of the fetus are forming 4.the fetus cannot excrete wastes

12 Class assignment From the handout, list three environmental factors that can affect embryonic development Explain the causes and symptoms of each factor you chose Do the same for three genetic disorders that affect embryonic development

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