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ECISD DUAL CREDIT PROGRAM Jennifer Perkins- College & Career Advisor Permian High School
What is Dual Credit? Dual Credit is the opportunity for your student to enroll in a college level course and receive simultaneous academic credit for the course from both the college and the high school. Students can begin taking dual credit courses the Summer of their Freshman year. Seniors will typically graduate high school with 30 or more hours of college credit. (That equals one year at College) Dual Credit courses are college based courses therefore your student will receive the highest level of rigor. Keep in mind these are college level courses and must be treated with the highest level of importance.
Students in the 9th & 10th grade will be placed in dual classes before and after their full-day schedule with ECISD. Students in the 11th & 12th graded will be placed in dual classes during the day within their ECISD schedule. 11th & 12th grade students must sit face-to-face for 5 credit bearing courses before approved for online courses or courses on the college campus which do not report attendance to ECISD. Students may not enroll into a dual credit “Online” course if that course is offered on the ECISD campus. Any dual credit online courses will be placed in the schedule either the first or the last periods of the day. Reminder: Effective the Class of 2021 and beyond the GPA system has changed. Only Core (Math, Science, English, Social Studies) and Languages other than English for graduation requirements will count on the 4.5 GPA scale. NO elective courses will count toward the GPA. All dual credit core courses and languages other than English will be weighted at a 4.5. The Class of 2019 & 2020 will remain on the original GPA scale.
U.I.L Eligibility Guidelines
Eligibility for UIL Participants as it pertains to dual credit courses. Texas Education Code identifies “CORE” college concurrent “dual” enrollment courses as honor courses as it pertains to extracurricular activities. Core courses consist of dual English, Math, Science, Social Studies and Languages other than English. Core “Dual” courses are exempt from the (No Pass No Play) UIL Eligibility Guidelines. Dual credit courses that are considered “NOT EXEMPT” will follow the UIL Side by Side guidelines for eligibility. Courses that are “NOT EXEMPT” include any dual credit electives such as Speech, Psychology, Sociology, Art, Music BCIS and Kinesiology. Please refer to the ECISD Athletic Department Page for the UIL Side by Side Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities.
Dual Credit Process Attend the scheduled Parent/Student Dual Credit Meeting in the Spring. Must meet TSI requirements in order to qualify for dual credit enrollment. Students must meet with their Den Counselors about their four-year graduation plans to determine what dual courses are approved for your plan. Apply for dual credit admissions online at Meet with your ECISD Campus College & Career Advisor a week prior to the scheduled dual credit registration dates. (Only if the student has met TSI requirements and completed the online application). Register and complete all registration forms provided by your College & Career Advisor and return them during the scheduled registration dates. All forms must be approved by your College & Career Advisor in order to register for any dual credit courses. Students may not go the Odessa College or UTPB to register for courses. The College & Career Advisor will ensure all registration forms are processed through Odessa College or UTPB. The parents or students will receive a confirmation receipt for payment. The guidance “DEN” counselors will receive a copy of the receipt to make changes to the students schedule. Payment for dual credit courses will need to be paid by the scheduled DUE DATE. All classes must be paid by the due date or classes will be dropped. Payments are made at either Odessa College or UTPB. ECISD does not accept payments.
Dual Credit TSI Exemptions
EOC English II- Must score Level II/Meets with a scale score of 4000 to be exempt from the Reading & Writing sections of the TSI. EOC Algebra I- Must score Level II/Meets with a scale score of 4000 and must have passed Algebra II with a 70 or higher to be exempt from the Math section of the TSI. ACT- Composite score of 23, with a 19 in math and/or English exempts for corresponding sections. SAT- Combined score of 1070, with 500 in math and/or critical reading for corresponding sections. (Prior to March of 2016) SAT- Minimum score of a 480 in Evidence Based Reading and Writing and a 530 Math score. (Testing after March of 2016) Students who do not meet any of the above exemptions will be required to take the TSI Assessment and satisfy requirements before enrolling into a dual credit course.
TSI REQUIREMENTS (Texas Success Initiative Assessment)
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has established minimum TSI Scores for the TSI EXAM test. Scores at or above the following standards must be met in order to place into college-level courses: Reading Math Writing Objective w/Writing Essay 4 or Writing (Essay) 5 Results are immediately distributed to the student after testing is completed and will need to be brought back to the ECISD Campus College & Career Advisor for evaluation.
TSI Testing for Odessa College On Campus Testing
Prior to testing on the TSI EXAM: Students must complete the Pre-Assessment Complete the Pre-Assessment Print the certificate and take the certificate to the Testing Center Students may test Monday- Thursday 8:00-5:00, Tuesdays 8:00- 9:00 pm or Friday 8:00-1:00. (No Appointment Needed) Testing Center is located in the Odessa College Spurs Building on the bottom floor. The testing fee is $29.00 ($10.00 per section for re-testing) Student must present a photo ID and have their social security number. Return testing results to the ECISD campus College & Career Advisor.
TSI Testing for Odessa College Online Testing
Odessa College now offers online TSIA testing. The student will need a computer, web cam and high speed internet. The live online proctor will provide the testing software necessary to complete the assessment. Please note there is an additional $25.00 fee for this service. Click on the Testing Center Marketplace Link Pay for the TSI Assessment. It will be for all 3 sections plus the additional online testing fee. Check your . A testing voucher will be generated and ed to you once payment has been confirmed and will contain further instructions. Please allow 24 hours to receive your testing voucher. Once you receive your testing voucher please visit B Virtual to schedule your exam. (Please note you cannot stop and restart this exam however you can utilize as much time as needed). Return testing results into Ms. Perkins
Odessa College Admissions Requirements
Must be a Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior or Senior. Satisfy the TSI requirements and provide a school transcript. Apply online at , Select a 2-year college application and then select Odessa College. Next, select new application, choose the semester in which you are entering, then choose dual credit major and answer “yes” when asked if you will be attending as a dual credit student. Be sure to complete the entire application and hit submit.
TSI Testing for UTPB Prior to testing the student must complete the Pre-Assessment by following the instructions below: Go to UTPB.EDU Click the admissions tab Select Texas Success Initiative Select TSI Pre-Assessment Slide show Call the Testing Office to schedule an appointment to take the TSI Assessment Exam at The testing center is located in the Mesa Building at UTPB in Room 1160. Testing Days are Monday-Saturday by appointment Testing Fee is $65.00 Return TSI results to Mrs. Perkins
UTPB Admission Requirements
Must be a Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior or Senior Meet either the TSI Exemptions or meet TSI requirements & Provide Official Transcipts. Pass Writing and Reading on TSI to take any course not including Math. Pass Math in order to take any Math courses.
ECISD Approved Dual Courses Core Courses (English, Math, Social Studies & Science)
English 1301 & 1302 (Junior Level English) Sequence Course Prerequisite: High School English I & English II English 2322 & 2323 (Senior Level English) Prerequisite: English 1302 credit with a 70 or higher Math 1314 (College Algebra) & Math 2412 (Precalculus) Prerequisite: High School Algebra I & Algebra II & Geometry Math 2413 & Math 2414 (Calculus I & Calculus II) Prerequisite: Math 2412 with a 70 or higher Accounting 2301 & 2302 (Online Only) History 1301 & 1302 (U.S. History I & II) Prerequisite: High School World Geography and World History. This course can ONLY be taken at the High School Campus due to EOC testing. Government 2305 (Federal Government) Prerequisite: Complete/Pass U.S. History with a 70 or higher Economics 2301 (Principles of Macroeconomics)
Continued Core Courses
Biology 2401 & 2402 (Anatomy & Physiology) Sequence Course Prerequisite: ECISD 3 credits of Science Biology 1406 & 1407 (Biology for Science Majors) Sequence Course Prerequisite: High School Biology or Pre-AP Biology (This is a second year Biology. Students must have taken High School Biology. Biology 1408 & 1409 (Biology for Non Science Majors) Sequence Course Chemistry 1311 & 1312 w/labs (General Chemistry) Sequence Course Prerequisite: High School Chemistry or Pre AP Chemistry & Algebra II, Completed Math 1314 (College Algebra) with a 70 or higher. This is a second year Chemistry. Students must have taken High School Chemistry. Physics 1401 & (College Physics) Sequence Course Prerequisite: High School Pre Calculus All Core Courses are U.I.L Exempt Courses.
Approved Dual Courses Continued Languages other that English
Spanish 1411 & 1412 (Beginning Spanish I & II) Sequence Course Prerequisite: High School Spanish I Spanish 2311 & 2312 (Intermediate Spanish I & II) Sequence Course Prerequisite: High School Spanish II with a 70 or higher or Spanish 1412 with a 70 or higher. Computer Science 1436 (Programming Fundamentals I) Prerequisite: Algebra I, High School Business Information Management or BCIS 1405 or ITSC 1301 Computer Science 1437 (Programming Fundamentals II) Prerequisite: Computer Science 1436 Computer Science 2436 (Programming Fundamentals III) Prerequisite: Computer Science 1437 Computer Science 2425 (Computer Org. & Machine) All dual courses for Language other than English are UIL Exempt
ECISD Approved Dual Courses Non Core Courses & Non U.I.L Exempt
Arts 1301 (Art Appreciation) Arts 1303 & 1304 (Art History I & II) Arts 1316 & 1317 (Drawing I & II) Permian Campus Only Music 1306 (Music Appreciation) Prerequisite: Must have fulfilled High School Fine Arts Credit Music 1301 (Jazz, Pop Rock) Offered by UTPB only Speech 1315 & 1321 (Public Speaking or Business Professional Speech) Psychology 2301 (General Psychology), Psychology 2302 (Applied Psychology), Psychology 2308 (Child Psychology) & Psychology (Lifespan Growth & Development) Sociology 1301 (Intro to Sociology) BCIS 1305 (Business Computer Applications) Kinesiology 1100, 1106 & 1164 (Lifestyle Assessments, Jog/Walk, & Personal Health & Wellness)
Dual Credit Forms Application for Admission
Grant Access to Student Records Form Allows parents to access their students grades and records. If this form is not signed by the parent you may not access your students records. Dual Credit Registration Forms Must be signed by the College & Career Advisor every semester of enrollment and must approve all dual credit courses. ECISD Dual Credit Agreement Form Must be signed by the parent and student before registering for dual credit.
ECISD Dual Credit Agreement
I understand that college level work is more rigorous and that grading policies differ from ECISD. (Example: College instructors are not required to take a minimum number of grades.) I understand that college grades are reported as “progress grades” and not averaged each six weeks. A final grade is reported at the end of the semester and will replace all 6-week grades. I understand that if a student is having difficulty in his/her class, it is the student’s responsibility to conference with the instructor, NOT THE PARENTS RESPONSIBILITY. Students can find instructor phone numbers, office hours and addresses on the OC or UTPB webpage. Counselors, administrators, and UIL sponsors will not contact college faculty on behalf of dual-enrolled students, but may only facilitate the student making the contact. I understand that if a student has failed or is failing college level subject in the current or previous semester, the College & Career Advisor will not give the student permission to register for a college class in the same subject the following semester. A student denied registration for dual classes may appeal to the campus principal.
ECISD Dual Credit Agreement Continued
I understand that I must contact my College & Career Advisor in order to drop a class. I understand that I must drop college classes during the first three weeks of the class so that placement can be made to a class on campus. Students who have extenuating circumstances and want to drop after the three-week period must obtain special permission from the College & Career Advisor. Approved students will be scheduled into a regular class on campus, but will be informed of options to regain the credit. I understand that, if I drop below 5 classes, I will be a part-time student and will not be UIL eligible. I understand that ECISD will follow all district policies and UIL eligibility guidelines for students who drop a class while failing. (Local district policies are posted on the ECISD website and UIL eligibility guidelines can be found in the UIL side by side.) For dual courses taught at the college campus, I understand that, if I am a 9th or 10th grade student, my courses will be scheduled before or after the school day. If I am an 11th & 12th grade student, my courses will be scheduled either the first or last period of the day. I understand that I must attend Dual Credit Orientation at the designated times. If I don’t attend the orientation I will be dropped immediately from my dual credit courses.
Dual Credit Drop/Withdrawal
Students who express a desire to withdrawal from or drop a dual credit course must meet with the College & Career Advisors immediately. The College & Career Advisors will request all drops and withdraws to Odessa College or UTPB. Students who drop courses will be placed into a regular course at Permian or OHS. We will not place your student from dual credit into AP courses. Ms. Perkins (PHS) or Ms. Moreno (OHS) will monitor all students progress and will provide the following counseling and intervention: Review of pace and progress Discussion of available learning support services and tutoring Discuss of Satisfactory Academic Progress as it relates to future Financial Aid. Ms. Perkins or Ms. Moreno will notify students and parents when the student is in jeopardy of failing for the semester. Please monitor your students grades.
Registration Dates Permian High School Registration Dates:
April 25th & 26th from 8:30-5:00 in the Permian High School Front Office. Students may begin to pick up their paperwork on April 23rd from Ms. Perkins in the front office. Last day to register for Summer Courses will be June 8th. Last day to register for Fall Courses ??? Odessa High School Registration Dates: April 24th from 8:30-4:30 in the Odessa High School Room 213 Last day to register for Fall Courses ???
Questions & Contact Information Jennifer Perkins College & Career Advisor Permian High School Angelica Moreno Odessa High School
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