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Freshman Academy Update

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1 Freshman Academy Update
January 24, 2012










11 Freshman Academy Testimonials

12 Silver Bluff High School:
Eases transition to high school – helps student successfully pass ninth grade and graduate on time Teachers have chosen to be a part of the academy team – have a vested interest – mentor students Most content-area teachers have common planning Common planning allows for discussion of academic concerns, intervention and remediation strategies, and additional student needs (referrals to guidance, SIT, school nurse, parent calls) Humanities course allows for remediation in reading and math, tutoring, and make up work

13 Midland Valley High School:
Transition to high school can be difficult and stressful Students solve personal and social issues, participate in extracurriculars, and master coursework A team of teachers work collaboratively to address students’ needs Students receive a personalized schedule that focuses on identified strengths and weaknesses Academy teachers collect data (test scores, grades, failure rates, discipline, middle school teacher input) to select classes most appropriate for students Emphasize self-reliance and responsibility Relationships between teachers and students lower retention rates and improve graduation rates

14 Wagener-Salley High School:
Wagener-Salley High School: Interventions are the key to students success Every effort is made to avoid retentions Academy teachers have a passion for meeting students needs Common procedures creates an environment of consistency Teachers disaggregate data, identify weaknesses, attack those areas of need Create a community atmosphere with parents – contacts with parents are the norm Compass and USATestPrep provide support and remediation Students constantly exposed to their personal performance data

15 Freshman Academy Unique Features
Teacher Teams- Recruits interested teachers to the academy who are committed to freshman success Common Planning for Teachers – dedicates time to discuss best teaching practices and interventions for struggling students Freshman Data Team – focuses on the unique challenges and solutions needed for success for “red flag” students Dedicated Guidance Counselor – concentrates efforts on academic, behavior/discipline, social/emotional, and data needs of freshmen only Groups freshmen- dedicated wing, lockers, bell schedule, and lunch period Relevant professional development- focuses on specific needs of the academy Professional learning communities- administration, teachers, students, and parents

16 Freshman Features Common in All Schools
Identify “red flag” students and develop school-wide and teacher-specific interventions to address needs Use electronic remediation/reinforcement software – i.e. CompassLearning Odyssey Use data to identify school-wide deficiencies and solutions – i.e. MAP, HSAP, EOCT, discipline, attendance, failure rates, teacher-generated information Use SIT to identify school-wide needs, interventions, and professional development

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