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Fu Siong Ng et al. JACEP 2016;2:

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Presentation on theme: "Fu Siong Ng et al. JACEP 2016;2:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fu Siong Ng et al. JACEP 2016;2:397-399
Large Volume Pneumopericardium and a Large Pericardial Effusion Seen on Thoracic CT Scan (A) Coronal section, (B) sagittal section, and (C and D) axial sections of a thoracic computed tomography (CT) scan. Air (white arrow) is clearly seen within the pericardial space in all 4 panels, with septae also seen within the pericardial space in panel A. The horizontal cross-section images (C and D) show air and fluid (*) within the pericardial space and bilateral pleural effusions (stars). In B and D, air locules (solid black arrows) can be seen anterior to the contrast-filled esophagus (dashed black arrows), suggestive of an esophageal perforation and leak. Fu Siong Ng et al. JACEP 2016;2: American College of Cardiology Foundation

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