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Commitment to learning

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1 Commitment to learning
History Crime and Punishment Name: Class: Teacher: Booklet due date: Expectations Pupil Parent Treat this booklet with respect and only hand in work you are proud of. Complete all the tasks to the best of your ability. Ask, in plenty of time, if you need help with any of the tasks. Work independently wherever possible. All work should be your own. Proof-read this booklet before you hand it in to your teacher. Check the quality of work and amount of effort your child has put into this booklet. Where guided, please assess the Commitment to Learning of one task. The descriptors are below. Contact the teacher in good time via if there are problems handing the work in on time. Provide support, guidance and an environment to learn so your child makes the most of these tasks. Commitment to learning 1 Outstanding You have demonstrated an outstanding level of effort and commitment. Your work is extremely well presented. 2 Good You have demonstrated a high level of effort and commitment. Care has been taken with your presentation. 3 Coasting Your work does not reflect your ability and shows a lack of commitment. Presentation could be significantly better. 4 Cause for concern The quality of your work shows a complete lack of effort and commitment. The presentation of your work is poor. Choose a minimum of 3 more tasks you will do and mark them with a cross. Task Doing? 1 X 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 x Checks Commitment to learning and signature Teacher Parent Tutor Self Peer Need some support ? Try FROG, ask a friend, ask your teacher in school or them with a question,

2 Task Use the timetable below to plan out how you will manage completing the tasks alongside your other commitments. Fill in any out of school activities/ plans you have to ensure you can fit your schedule around the successful completion of this booklet. If you need help with a task from an adult or a peer make sure you have arranged this in the timetable too. Expected Outcome A full homework timetable that includes homework deadlines, out of school activities and where others will be involved. Skills Audit Time Planning and organisation 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Challenge task: Read through the booklet and consider the difficulty of the tasks – would you make any changes to the order of the tasks?

3 2 Arguments FOR the Bloody code Arguments AGAINST the Bloody code
Task Research the Bloody Code using the internet and/ or library/ school books and find out the arguments FOR and AGAINST it. Expected Outcome Show an understanding of the different crimes punishable by death and the arguments for and against it. Skills Audit Research, reducing bodies of text What was the Bloody Code? List 10 crimes punishable by death by the 19th Century. Arguments FOR the Bloody code Arguments AGAINST the Bloody code Challenge task: Provide a conclusion – what is your overall opinion on the Bloody Code?

4 3 Task Produce a mindmap showing the types of CRIMES committed in the 19th century and the PUNISHMENTS associated with them. Expected Outcome A well designed, well presented mind map with a range of the accurate and relevant facts included Skills Audit Revision strategies Produce a mind map showing the types of CRIMES committed in the 19th century and the PUNISHMENTS associated with these crimes. Use images, colour and text to demonstrate and organise your knowledge. Challenge task: Did the punishment ‘fit’ the crime in 19th century Britain?.

5 4 Task Analyse a picture source and judge it’s reliability compared with your knowledge. Expected Outcome A labelled source and an explanation of how these features show a positive view of Turpin. 5 key facts on the real Dick Turpin and a consideration of how reliable this source is. Skills Audit Source analysis and comprehension This is a picture source of the highwayman Dick Turpin. It shows a one sided, romantic view of who he was. Label what you can see in the source. Write a few sentences explaining how this picture source helps to show a positive view of Dick Turpin. 3. Now use the internet/ and or Library books to research 5 Facts about the REAL Dick Turpin. Parent Check Box – what Commitment to Learning score would you give this task? Challenge task: How reliable is this picture source?.

6 5 Task Complete the word search on transportation and answer the questions using the words you find. Expected Outcome 8 highlighted words in the word search used to answer the questions below. Use of research to clarify. Skills Audit Research, selecting evidence. Tutor Check Box – what Commitment to Learning score would you give this task? Challenge task: Why did Britain stop using transportation as a punishment?

7 Teacher Check Box – Commitment to Learning.
6 Task Research the SILENT and SEPARATE systems in 19th century reformed prisons and include a case study of a reformed prison . Expected Outcome Complete the chart below comparing the 2 different systems and how they treated prisoners and write a brief fact file on a reformed prison. Skills Audit Research skills, reducing bodies of test Silent system Separate system What was new about Pentonville Prison? Research 5 key facts about this reformed prison Teacher Check Box – Commitment to Learning. Challenge task: Who were John Howard and Elizabeth Fry?

8 7 Task You are a judge in the 19th Century passing sentence on 10 prisoners. How accurate will your judgments be? Expected Outcome Complete the activity at and use this to explain how accurate your judgements were in the box below. Skills Audit Key vocabulary, application of knowledge, revision skills Go to the website below: User name: Christtheking Password: King783 1. Complete the activity. You are a Judge in a 19th century court room. You must decide on the punishments for 10 real prisoners from the 19th century. Be as accurate as possible and explain your choices. Compare your decisions with their real sentences. Answer the questions. 2. How accurate were you? Explain here: Challenge task: How could you become more accurate?

9 Teacher Check Box – Commitment to Learning.
8 Task How and why did crime and punishment change over time during the 18th and 19th centuries? Expected Outcome A full explanation of the aspects of crime and punishment that changed during this period. Skills Audit Explanation, evaluation, use of evidence, writing succinctly, change, causation and significance second order concepts Write a description of the changes in crime and punishment during this time and explain why it changed. You should aim to write 300 words. (10) Describe the changes. Explain why they changed. Evaluate which is the most important change to crime and punishment and explain why you think this. Challenge task: Research crime and punishment in Nottingham , perhaps by visiting the Galleries of Justice. Teacher Check Box – Commitment to Learning. Strength /10 Target

10 Task 8 Mark Scheme 1-2 A list of changes are identified. 3-4
At least one change is described with evidence from the booklet in support. 5-6 There are at least two changes described with evidence from the booklet in support. There is some explanation of why these changes came about. 7-8 There are at least three changes described with evidence from the booklet in support. The reasons for these changes are explained. Terminology learnt through completing the booklet is used throughout. Assertions in conclusion regarding the most important change. 9-10 There are at least three changes described with evidence from the booklet in support. The reasons for these changes are fully explained. Terminology learnt through completing the booklet is used throughout. The most important change is explained in a sustained conclusion.

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