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Lecture 11: Mutual Exclusion

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1 Lecture 11: Mutual Exclusion

2 Review: POSIX Standards
pthread_create() pthread_exit() pthread_join() pthread_yield()

3 Review: Threads Implementation
User Level Threads Kernel Level Threads Hybrid Implementations

4 Review: User and Kernel-Level Threads Performance
Null fork: the time to create, schedule, execute, and complete a process/thread that invokes the null procedure. Signal-Wait: the time for a process/thread to signal a waiting process/thread and then wait on a condition. Procedure call: 7us Kernel Trap:17us Thread Operation Latencies Operation ULT KLT Process Null fork ,300 Signal Wait ,840 Observation While there is a significant speedup by using KLT multithreading compared to single-threaded processes, there is an additional significant speedup by using ULTs. However, whether or not the additional speedup is realized depends on the nature of the applications involved. If most of the thread switches require kernel mode access, then ULT may not perform much better than KLT.

5 In this lecture Mutual exclusion Race conditions Critical regions
Attempts for achieving mutual exclusion

6 Threads and Race Conditions
x = x+1; /* ld r1,x add r1,1 st r1,x */ Thread 2: x = x+1; /* ld r1,x add r1,1 st r1,x */ Here we have two threads that are reading and modifying the same variable: both are adding one to x. Although the operation is written as a single step in terms of C code, it generally takes three machine instructions, as shown in the slide. If the initial value of x is 0 and the two threads execute the code shown in the slide, we might expect that the final value of x is 2. However, suppose the two threads execute the machine code at roughly the same time: each loads the value of x into its register, each adds one to the contents of the register, and each stores the result into x. The final result, of course, is that x is 1, not 2. Final value of x could be 1 or depending on the interleaving.

7 Mutual exclusion Two processes/threads cannot operate on the same shared variable simultaneously

8 Critical Region Shared variables among multiple processes/threads
Protect Shared Variables Operation should be “atomic” Ensure other processes/threads don’t interfere with a sequence of instructions Critical region

9 Mutual exclusion via Critical Region
Expected behavior

10 Protect Shared Variables
Thread 1: lock(mutex); x = x+1; /* ld r1,x add r1,1 st r1,x */ unlock(mutex); Thread 2: lock(mutex); x = x+1; /* ld r1,x add r1,1 st r1,x */ unlock(mutex); Here we have two threads that are reading and modifying the same variable: both are adding one to x. Although the operation is written as a single step in terms of C code, it generally takes three machine instructions, as shown in the slide. If the initial value of x is 0 and the two threads execute the code shown in the slide, we might expect that the final value of x is 2. However, suppose the two threads execute the machine code at roughly the same time: each loads the value of x into its register, each adds one to the contents of the register, and each stores the result into x. The final result, of course, is that x is 1, not 2.

11 Does this need mutual exclusion?
Thread 1: My_balance = My_balance +1; Your_balance = Your_balance - 1; Thread 2: Total = My_balance Your_balance; Yes. Interleaving may cause thread 2 to see an inconsistent state.

12 Do we need mutual exclusion?
Thread 1: x = x+1; Thread 2: y = x; No. Since the reads and writes are atomic.

13 Code with the mutex Thread 1: Lock(b_mutex); Unlock(b_mutex);
Mutex “b_mutex” protects My_balance and Your_balance Thread 1: Lock(b_mutex); My_balance = My_balance +1; Your_balance = Your_balance - 1; Unlock(b_mutex); Thread 2: Lock(b_mutex); Total = My_balance Your_balance; Unlock(b_mutex);

14 Mutex and Critical Section
Only one thread can be in the critical section at a time. Thread 2: Enter_Mutex(); Critical_Section(); Exit_Mutex(); Thread 1: Enter_Mutex(); Critical_Section(); Exit_Mutex();

15 Our Problem How to implement enter_mutex() and exit_mutex()?
User space (no OS support) Inside the kernel Solution should satisfy: No two threads in the critical region at the same time

16 Software (user space) Solution 1
Enter Mutex: while (busy == 1); busy = 1; Critical Section: account_balance ++ ; Exit Mutex: busy = 0; Enter Mutex: while (busy == 1); busy = 1; Critical Section: account_balance ++ ; Exit Mutex: busy = 0; Thread 1 Thread 2 No good (why??) “busy” is a (shared) global variable.

17 Software Solution 2 Enter Mutex: while (turn == 2); Critical Section
Exit Mutex: turn = 2; Enter Mutex: while (turn == 1); Critical Section Exit Mutex: turn = 1; Thread 1 Thread 2 “turn” is a (shared) global variable.

18 Problems with Solution 2
Threads have to strictly alternate One thread wanting to enter the critical section might have to wait for another which does not want to

19 Problem Statement Refined
A solution to mutual exclusion should satisfy four conditions: No two processes simultaneously in critical region No assumptions made about speeds of CPUs No process running outside its critical region may block another process No process must wait forever to enter its critical region

20 Possible solutions for mutual exclusion
Disabling interrupts Peterson’s solution Hardware support

21 Disable Interrupts Disable Interrupts during critical section
Prevent context switch Enable Interrupts after critical section Good: No busy waiting Problems?

22 Problem Critical Section must be short
No multiprogramming possible during critical section Cannot trust users to have a short critical section Used inside the kernel for mutual exclusion

23 Multiprocessors Disabling Interrupts doesn’t work
Preventing a context switch doesn’t ensure that only one process is running

24 Disabling Interrupts: Use in mutex_lock (uniprocessor only)
mutex is a data structure inside the kernel mutex_lock() traps into the kernel Disable interrupts Set Lock If (unsuccessful) then Enable interrupts Thread_yield() Try again Enable Interrupts

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