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Lecture Notes: Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration

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1 Lecture Notes: Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration
Are you moving? Lecture Notes: Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration

2 Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration are the three vector quantities that describe the motion of any object during a specified time interval.

3 Vectors – Quantities that have magnitude and direction
Vectors – Quantities that have magnitude and direction. Think of them as an arrow

4 Vectors – Quantities that have magnitude and direction
Vectors – Quantities that have magnitude and direction. Think of them as an arrow = How big = arrow length

5 Vectors – Quantities that have magnitude and direction
Vectors – Quantities that have magnitude and direction. Think of them as an arrow = How big = arrow length Arrow points in a direction

6 Don’t be stumped by the word magnitude…
Find the magnitude of the _____ acting on a object … Find the _____ acting on an object …

7 Don’t be stumped by the word magnitude…
Find the magnitude of the force acting on a object … Find the force acting on an object … only the magnitude means only the number, not the direction. Otherwise you would have to say in what direction the vector acts … up, down, left, etc.

8 Scalars - Quantities that have only magnitude. Examples:

9 Scalars - Quantities that have only magnitude
Scalars - Quantities that have only magnitude. Examples: mass, temperature, energy

10 Are you moving, right now?

11 It Depends, All motion must be described within a frame of reference – the surroundings, or another object, to which you compare the object in question.

12 Displacement:

13 Displacement: The change in an object’s position.

14 Displacement: The change in an object’s position over time.
The straight line distance from the initial to the final position.

15 Displacement: The change in an object’s position over time.
The straight line distance from the initial to the final position. Similar to distance, but distance is the actual path followed, not necessarily straight, not a vector.

16 Velocity:

17 Velocity: The rate at which position changes.

18 Velocity: The rate at which position changes.
The displacement divided by the time.

19 Velocity: The rate at which position changes.
The displacement divided by the time. Average velocity = 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒

20 Velocity can be described as either instantaneous or average
Time must pass to for motion to occur. A time interval has a chosen start and end point.

21 Instantaneous velocity = the velocity at a moment in time

22 Instantaneous velocity = the velocity at a moment in time Examples: vi = initial velocity – first moment vf = final velocity – last moment

23 Velocity is similar to speed, both describe how fast something is moving relative to something else. Velocity is the vector, speed is the scalar version.

24 Acceleration:

25 Acceleration: The rate at which velocity changes.

26 Acceleration: The rate at which velocity changes.
The change in velocity divided by the time.

27 Acceleration: The rate at which velocity changes.
The change in velocity divided by the time. Uniform or constant acceleration can be described using algebra, changing accelerations require calculus.

28 Speeding up and slowing down mean that acceleration is not zero
Speeding up and slowing down mean that acceleration is not zero.   Constant speed means acceleration is zero.

29 On all vectors Sign (+/-) is a way to indicate direction.

30 What is happening if ... The velocity of an abject and the acceleration act in the same direction?

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