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ASL 1 – Unit 4: The Ear (Part 1)

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1 ASL 1 – Unit 4: The Ear (Part 1)
Name: ____________________________________________ #: _______ Hour: _______ ASL 1 – Unit 4: The Ear (Part 1) Page 1 1. According to the first paragraph, what are some sounds one would hear in the morning? _____________________ b. ___________________ c. ____________________ d. _____________________ e. ___________________ 2. In the second paragraph, what are the sounds one would hear on the way to school? Page 2 – How We Hear 3. What are some sounds that people hear and pay attention to? d. _____________________ e. ___________________ f. ____________________ 4. What are some sounds that people choose to ignore? a. _____________________ b. ___________________ c. ____________________ Page 2 – The Parts of the Ear 5. How many main parts does the human ear have? ___________________________ 6. List the main parts of the ear. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 7. The outer ear is shaped like a ______________________. 8. The part you can see is called the ______________________. Inside the outer ear is the __________________________, which is a tunnel which ends at a round membrane called the ________________________. The eardrum separates the ___________________________ from the _______________________________. Pages 2-3 – The Parts of the Ear The middle ear is a small ___________________ space containing the _______________ tube and a bridge of _______________ ______________. The Eustachian tube connects your ____________ and your ________________ and helps to keep a supply of fresh _________ in the __________________________. 13. The three bones, called the __________________ , are the ________________ bones in your body. 14. The three bones are called the ___________________ or _____________________, _________________ or _________________, and _______________ or _____________.

2 Page 3 15. The bridge of ______________ hangs across the air space in the ___________________. The bridge starts with the ______________, which is attached to the ________________ and ends with the __________________, which is attached to the _______________ _______________, that is another kind of ___________________. The inner ear is the organ in our body responsible for ___________________ and _________________. In the inner ear we find the cochlea, which is _________________ like a snail’s shell. The cochlea is made of ____________ coils of _______________. The coils are filled with ________________________. The stapes fits into the ____________ ______________ on one side of the _____________________. Below the cochlea is the _____________________, which has _______________ attachments. Attached to the membrane of the cochlea are ______________ to ______________ tiny hair cells. The hair cells connect to ______________________ that make up the nerve of hearing. The nerve of hearing is also called the __________________ nerve. Page 3 – Sound and the Ear 21. Each part of the ear has a special role to play in the hearing process. The process begins only when sound reaches the _________________. 22. Sound is created when an object _________________, pushing the _____________ around it. The sound of thunder or a music box sets the _____________ in motion until the air molecules closest to you begin the journey through your ___________ and up to your _________________. The _______________ of the outer ear functions like a __________________________ to “catch” the ______________________ and direct them down through the _________ ___________ to the __________________________. The eardrum ________________ with the rhythm of the __________________________ pushing against it. Page 4 25. As the sound waves move the _________________, the bridge of three _____________ vibrates back and forth. This vibration moves the ______________________________, carrying the rhythm of your favorite sound into the ______________________________. 26. When the sound waves move the ______________________, the basilar membrane and the ____________ cells float in rhythm like a _____________ on water. Next the hair or _______________ on top of the cell _________________. The bending sends patterns of _______________ signals through the nerve fibers of the nerve of _______________. 27. A loud sound moves the hair cells much _____________ than a soft sound. 28. High pitch sounds, such as whistles or the speech consonants _______ or ________ cause a movement of the membrane and hair cells in a ______________________________ than low pitch sounds like ________________________ or _______________________.

3 ASL 1 – Unit 4: The Ear (Part 2)
Name: ____________________________________________ #: _______ Hour: _______ ASL 1 – Unit 4: The Ear (Part 2) Pages – 4 & 5 - More Than Hearing 29. Wax in your ear canal protects the other parts of the ear from __________ & ___________. 30. Too much wax in your ear canal can cause you to _____________ ______________. 31. Cold germs can travel from your nose & throat to your ____________ by traveling through your ________________ _______________. 32. A change in your hearing when you have an ear infection happens because liquid fills the ____________ ________________. The liquid keeps the ______________ & ____________ from moving freely. Medication usually dries up the liquid and the parts of the middle ear can be set in motion by _____________________. 33. The two parts of your inner ear that have nothing to do with hearing are 1. _________________________ & _________________________ 34. These two parts of your ear provide information to your brain about _________________ and the _________________ of your body in space. 35. As you turn your body and head, the hair cells in the ________________ and _________________ ______________ change direction. Electrical signals are sent through the nerve fibers, which connect to your _____________ muscles. Your ___________ move in different directions depending on how your body is twisting and turning. Directions:  Match the parts of the human ear with their function(s).  WRITE the letter in the indicated box next to the box.  DO NOT draw lines or circle! Ear Part Your Answer Function 36.      Eardrum A.     transfer the vibrations of the eardrum to the inner ear. 37.      Pinna B.     lets fluid drain down the throat and equalizes pressure on either side of the ear drum. 38.      Ear Canal C.     converts physical vibrations into electrical impulses (contains thousands of hair cells) 39.      Cochlea D.     vibrates when impacted by sound waves that have traveled through the external auditory meatus. 40.      The Ossicles: hammer, anvil, and stirrup E.      collects sound. 41.      Eustachian Tube F.      provides a passageway for sound traveling from the pinna to the eardrum, and it protects the ear from infection. 42.      Auditory Nerve G.     pathway that transfers neural signals from the cochlea to the brain.

4 46. Label the parts of the ear. (Use both names if applicable.)
Alternative Terms 47. Another term for the “Pinna” is __________________. 48. Another term for the “Eardrum” is __________________ ________________. 49. Another term for “Earwax” is _____________________. Another term for the “Hammer” is _____________________. 51. Another term for the “Anvil” is _____________________. 52. Another term for the “Stirrup” is _____________________. 53. Another term for the “hair cells” is _____________________. 54. Another term for “Ear Canal” is __________________________________________ 55. The outer ear is made up of the ____________________ & ____________________ 56. The outer ear is separated from the middle ear by the _____________________________. 57. The middle ear is made up of the ___________________(________________, _____________, & ______________) & ____________________ 58. The inner ear is made up of the _____________________, ____________________, & _______________________

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