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Improving Paragraphs SAT Preparation.

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1 Improving Paragraphs SAT Preparation

2 Improving Passage Questions
There are only about 5 of these questions! Take THE MOST time because of the amount of reading you have to do, so save for last. There are usually more errors in the paragraphs than you will be asked about.

3 Question Type 1: Revision Question
Revise sentences or parts of sentences. Go back to the passage and read the sentences prior to the one you need to revise. This gives you the context of the sentence. If you spot the error, eliminate any answer that repeats it. If you don’t spot the error, go to the answer choices and eliminate any choices that have errors of their own.

4 Revision Questions In context, which of the following is the best version of sentence 11 (reproduced below)? Answer will be the one that states the answer with as few words as possible without changing the meaning of the sentence; also, no ambiguous pronouns. What is the best way to deal with sentence 16? Change a pronoun, omit a word, add words before or after punctuation… this takes awhile b/c each choice is grammatically very different.

5 Question Type 2: Combination Question
Just like revision questions, but now with two sentences instead of one. Most commonly used strategy is to combine the sentences. Pay attention to the flow of the sentences; often just need a conjunction. Remember- if the sentences are going in the same direction, use a continuation word; if the sentences change direction, need a word that signifies change.

6 Question Type 3: “Weird Questions”
General Organization Questions. What is the best place to split the paragraph? Which sentence/paragraph should immediately follow or precede the passage? Keep as close to the passage as possible. Two sentences should say almost the same thing, or will look repetitive in the original passage.

7 Practice Now practice the questions on improving paragraphs.

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