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Azure DocumentDB Ryan CrawCour Senior Program Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Azure DocumentDB Ryan CrawCour Senior Program Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Azure DocumentDB Ryan CrawCour Senior Program Manager

2 Agenda Why ? What is DocumentDB ? Show me code … How do I learn more ?

3 Why ? Produce and consume data at a staggering rate while requiring near instantaneous response times to match user expectations Developed iteratively with many versions supported concurrently and continuously evolving data models Increasingly complex, compensating for the lack of query and transactional processing in today’s NoSQL database systems Experience unpredictable and explosive growth

4 What is DocumentDB ? It is a fully managed, highly scalable, queryable, truly schema-free JSON document database, delivered as a service for modern applications

5 What is DocumentDB ? query over schema- free JSON multi-document
SQL multi-document transactions tunable, high performance designed cloud first

6 Demo Building a web application with ASP.NET MVC and Azure DocumentDB

7 Resources Product Page –
Docs & Tutorials - .NET samples - Team blog - Twitter

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