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AP ECONOMICS: February 6

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1 AP ECONOMICS: February 6
Go over warm-up from yesterday A country has a population of 225 million. 15 million are under 16 years old, 135 million have jobs, and 10 million are without jobs and actively seeking employment. What is the total labor force? Labor force participation rate? Unemployment rate? Go over Business Cycle Notes (HO from yesterday) Learning Target In order to understand how to measure and evaluate economic performance, I will analyze the nuances of the inflation rate. I will know I have it when I can: (1) define inflation, nominal inflation, and real inflation; (2) calculate the inflation rate; and (3) identify those that are hurt and benefit from inflation. Module 14 Lecture Guide (HO) Definition; nominal vs. real values; inflation calculation; hurt or benefit from inflation?; COLAs and ARMs Assignment GC Assignment #11 (Modules 15 & 11) FRQ #3 & #4 on Wednesday & MCT #2 on Thursday, Feb. 14th PLEASE BRING TEXTBOOKS TO CLASS TOMORROW

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