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University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 1 Session 1/ Graham Robson Negotiation Skills… and the Negotiation Competition.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 1 Session 1/ Graham Robson Negotiation Skills… and the Negotiation Competition."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 1 Session 1/ Graham Robson Negotiation Skills… and the Negotiation Competition

2 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 2 What happens Law students in teams of two negotiate a dispute/ make a deal with another team. Teams get common facts explaining scenario Each team gets confidential info about their client

3 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 3 What happens The object of the exercise is not necessarily to win at all costs -it is as much about the process as the outcome. No particular legal theme to the competition

4 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition Competition info 4

5 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 5 WORKSHOPS Thursdays 1-2pm in LTS3.07 12 Nov: Introduction, mini-lecture, Erin Brockovich video (extract) 19 Nov: How to do it; the negotiation meeting; The Art of Negotiating video 26 Nov: Style self-assessment; opera singer scenario; Assessment criteria 3 Dec: looking at a competition scenario Graham Robson:, tel. ext.

6 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 6 Negotiation What is the objective of negotiating? What do negotiators do? What skills do you need? Tactics, strategies and styles What happens in a negotiation?

7 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 7 Legal negotiating? Erin Brockovich clip

8 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 8 To confer with another for the purpose of arranging some matters by mutual agreement; to discuss a matter with a view to settlement or compromise Shorter Oxford Dictionary Definition 1

9 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 9 Communication for the purpose of persuasion Goldberg, Green and Sander Dispute Resolution, 1985 Definition 2

10 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 10 A problem solving process in which 2 or more people voluntarily discuss their differences and attempt to reach a joint decision on their common concerns Moore, Negotiation Materials, 1983 Definition 3

11 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 11 planning negotiating documenting Overview of the process

12 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 12 being self-confident being creative looking at problems from different viewpoints Personal skills

13 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 13 identifying and evaluating relevant facts identifying and evaluating legal issues Organisational skills

14 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 14 speaking effectively listening and questioning powers of persuasion Communication skills

15 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 15 Tactics a particular negotiating ploy Strategies an approach to negotiating Styles your own nature Differentiate between…

16 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 16 distributive problems a fixed pie integrative problems make the pie bigger The bargaining context

17 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 17 competitive/ aggressive co-operative/ soft principled/ problem-solving Strategies

18 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 18 high initial demand firm demand false demand good guy/ bad guy routine take it or leave it Competitive

19 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 19 participants are friends the goal is agreement make concessions to cultivate the relationship be soft on the people and the problem Co-operative

20 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 20 participants are problem-solvers the goal is a wise outcome reached efficiently and amicably separate the people from the problem be soft on the people, hard on the problem Principled

21 University of Westminster 2009-2010Negotiation and the Negotiation Competition 21 Next… 19 Nov: How to do it; the negotiation meeting, The Art of Negotiating video 26 Nov: Style self-assessment; opera singer scenario; the assessment criteria 3 Dec: looking at a competition scenario Competition to follow this term

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