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3/17 & 3/18 - 8th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Phases of the Moon Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking p.211 – 213 Marble Race Track Lab Textbook.

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Presentation on theme: "3/17 & 3/18 - 8th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Phases of the Moon Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking p.211 – 213 Marble Race Track Lab Textbook."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/17 & 3/18 - 8th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Learn about Phases of the Moon Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking p.211 – 213 Marble Race Track Lab Textbook Reading p HW: Reading & Notetaking p.214 – 215

2 Daily Reflection Prompt: Write 3 facts that you know about the phases of the moon.

3 Marble Roller Coaster Lab
1. Label the point of greatest potential energy 2. Label the point of greatest kinetic energy 3. Label the point where velocity changed 4. Label a location where friction increases or decreases. 4. What is the length of your track in cm?___________________ 5. What is the average speed of your track in cm/sec? ______________________.

4 What causes phases of the moon?
Moon is lighted by the Sun Moon revolves around the Earth The phase of the moon depends on how much sunlit side of the moon faces the Earth.

5 Phases of the Moon

6 Same Side of the Moon faces the Earth

7 What causes Solar Eclipses
The moon casts a shadow on the Earth

8 Solar Eclipse

9 Why don’t we see Solar eclipses every month?
Because the moon’s orbit is tilted with respect to Earth’s orbit.

10 How are Lunar Eclipses created?
The Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow. Lunar Eclipses are much more common than Solar Eclipses

11 Lunar Eclipses Why do lunar eclipses occur only at full moon?

12 What causes tides Tides occur mainly because of differences in how much the moon pulls on different parts of Earth

13 What are the Characteristics of the Moon?
No Air Diameter 3476 km (1/4 of the Earth’s Diameter) Less Dense than the Earth Temperature 140C to -180C Ice near the Moon’s poles

14 How did the Moon get created?
4.5 Billion years ago, a small planet collided with the Earth to form the Moon.

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