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“The earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep.” Emergence.

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Presentation on theme: "“The earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep.” Emergence."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep.”

2 Newton’s Laws

3 T. S. Eliot on time Time present and time past
Are perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past. From Burnt Norton

4 Two Arrows of Time Entropy Emergence

5 From C. S. Lewis’ Perelandra
After earths, not better earths but beasts; after beasts, not better beasts, but spirits. After a falling, not a recovery but a new creation. Out of the new creation, not a third but the mode of change itself is changed for ever.

6 Benard Cells


8 Seven points It’s not a closed system. It’s a non-linear system.
It’s far from equilibrium. It’s big enough. There’s an iterative feedback mechanism at work. It’s extremely sensitive to initial conditions.

9 The seventh point Those were computer simulations!
We could not have predicted these patterns from the equations alone, but we can compute them (with a sufficiently large computer).

10 The Logistic Equation




14 Important points Every point is determined by an equation.
Because of chaos, most points are unpredictable. Pattern emerges from chaos. All this happens because of non-linear iteration.

15 The mandelbrot set The ultimate fractal are complex numbers

16 The argument so far Things in the real world can be unpredictable even when they are in principle determined by the laws of physics. Complex structure emerges unpredictably when non-linear systems are iterated.

17 The big question Is this the whole story??

18 Three answers Dualism Reductionism Emergentism

19 Emergentism -- definition
Causes and explanations of higher-order events must be given in terms intrinsic to each particular level of natural reality.

20 Arguments in favor Logical consistency Life in a rational universe
Life in a moral universe “Top-down” arguments, i.e. theology

21 Five flavors of theology
God = nature: pantheism God is an emergent property of the universe. God created the universe but stands outside it: deism. God has two natures: temporal theism Eschatological theism: the future is a causal agent on the present.

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