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Rise of the Guardians Trivia

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Presentation on theme: "Rise of the Guardians Trivia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise of the Guardians Trivia
Louise McCutcheon

2 What is Jack Frost’s centre?

3 What is Jack Frost known as in Russia?
Father Frost

4 What animal did Jack Frost create on Jamie’s window?
A Rabbit

5 What did Cupcake dream of?

6 What is Santa Claus’ centre?

7 What is the Tooth Fairy’s centre?
Childhood Memories

8 What was the Easter Bunny’s centre?
Hope and New Beginnings

9 What was the Sandman’s centre?
Good Dreams

10 What was Pitch Black’s centre?

11 What colour was Santa’s eyes?

12 How did Jack Frost die when he was a human?
Fell through the ice saving his sister

13 What was Jack Frost’s Viking name?
Jokul Frosti

14 What is another name Santa is known by?
St. Nicholas, Babouschka, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle and Santa

15 What is the Tooth Fairy also known as?
Ratoncito Perez

16 What is the Sandman also known as?
Ole Lukoje

17 What animal was Eostre’s companion?
A Hare – not a rabbit

18 What do Australian’s use for Easter instead of the Easter Bunny?
Easter Bilby

19 Which Guardian does not speak?

20 The Man in the Moon chooses each of the guardians. True or False?

21 The elves at the North Pole are the makers of the Christmas toys
The elves at the North Pole are the makers of the Christmas toys. True of False? False

22 Which Guardians can create portals?
Easter Bunny and Santa

23 Which Guardian cannot fly?
Easter Bunny

24 What is the first thing Jack saw when he became Jack Frost?
The Moon

25 Who’s idea was it that Jack was teleported through a globe after being shoved into a bag?

26 Sandman communicated through sand images he conjures above his head
Sandman communicated through sand images he conjures above his head. True or False? True

27 Who was the first guardian chosen by the Man in the Moon?

28 What are the Easter Bunny’s weapons?
A boomerang and exploding eggs

29 What did Jack call the Easter Bunny to insult him?

30 Who told Jack Frost his name?
The Man in the Moon

31 Which of the Guardians is the first to see a vision of Pitch Black?

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