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Luther Starts the Reformation

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1 Luther Starts the Reformation
Page 48-52

2 Reformation- A 16th century movement for religious reform, leading to the founding of Christian churches that rejected the pope’s authority (per the textbook)

3 Causes: Political- Pope viewed as foreign ruler & authority is questioned Social 1. Humanism and secularism leads to questioning of the Church 2. Printing Press Why would they see the pope as a foreign leader? What impact might this have on them?

4 Causes: Economical- Jealousy over Church wealth-
$$ goes to pope in Rome and not to the people Religious- 1. Corrupt church leaders a. Pope Alexander VI fathers several children b. Uneducated monks and priests c. Drunk, gamblers, married Why are these bad things?

5 Martin Luther-( ) - "I would never have thought that such a storm would rise from Rome over one simple scrap of paper..." Monk and teacher Indulgence- A pardon releasing a person from punishment due for a sin. Friar Johann Tetzel Grand Commissioner for indulgences in Germany Raising money for the rebuilding of St. Peter’s Cathedral. Sold indulgences to the dead- "As soon as a coin in the coffer rings / the soul from purgatory springs“. Why do you think Luther had issues with this? Pay $$ and he will give you a piece of paper that will shorten or do away with any time in Hell so you can go to Heaven. What issues do you see with this?

6 The 95 Theses- Oct. 31, 1517 95 formal statements attacking Tetzel and the Church Printed and spread throughout Germany This began the Reformation

7 The 95 Theses Against: clerical power clerical celibacy
the use of Latin in church worship the seven sacraments transubstantiation papal power

8 Responses to Luther- Pope Leo X- Diet of Worms Luther did not take back his statements He was excommunicated Pope Leo X is a de’ Medici. What impact might that have on the way he rules? How might this impact how he reacts to Luther?

9 Responses to Luther- Holy Roman Emperor Charles V- Edict of Worms
Declares Martin Luther outlaw No one is allowed to give Luther shelter or food. Books are to be burned. Prince Frederick the Wise of Saxony gave him shelter for a year translates the Bible into German In 1522, Luther and his followers became the Lutherans. Why is this important?

10 Support for Luther Northern German princes:
1529, protest against the Pope The protesting princes were known as Protestants. Charles V went to war against the Luther-supporting princes. Defeats them in 1547 In 1555, the Peace of Augsburg is signed Cannot make them rejoin the Church Each ruler would decide the religion of his own state.


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