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Vocabulary Level D Unit 7

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1 Vocabulary Level D Unit 7

2 Adieu (int) goodbye;“Farewell”

3 Advent (n) an arrival; a coming into place or view

4 Apex (n) the highest point, tip

5 Assimilate (v) to absorb fully or make one’s own; to adapt fully

6 Bogus (adj) false, counterfeit

7 Exorbitant (adj) unreasonably high; excessive

8 Interim (n) the time between
(adj) temporary, coming between two points of time

9 Inundate (v) to flood, overflow; to overwhelm by numbers or size

10 Malign (v) to speak evil of, to slander (adj) evil

11 Meander (v) to wander about, wind about

12 Metropolis (n) a large city; the chief city of an area

13 Momentous (adj) very important

14 Obstreperous (adj) noisy; unruly, disorderly

15 Pensive (adj) thoughtful; melancholy

16 Perilous (adj) dangerous

17 Shoddy (adj) of poor quality; poorly done

18 Sprightly (adj) lively, full of life; spicy, flavorful

19 Surly (adj) angry and bad-tempered; rude

20 Tirade (n) a long, angry speech, usually very critical

21 Vagrant (n) an idle wanderer, bum (adj) wandering aimlessly

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