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Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism

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1 Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism
Module 4 Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism

2 Module Overview Module introduces students to key concepts, principles, instruments and institutions underpinning criminal justice responses to terrorism. Explores reasons for lack of universal consensus regarding a definition of terrorism. Introduces students to the notion of international criminal law, in addition to different types of jurisdiction to prosecute serious international crimes including those related to terrorism.

3 Learning Outcomes Comprehend the legal principles of effective criminal justice responses to terrorism (national, regional or international levels). Introduction to international criminal law. Understand the distinction between treaty-based crimes of terrorism and established core international crimes applicable to terrorism. Understand reasons for, and implications of, the absence of a universal definition of terrorism. Identify some of the obstacles to effective criminal justice approaches to counter-terrorism.

4 Module 4 Outline Defining terrorism Criminal justice responses
Treaty-based crimes of terrorism: universal counter-terrorism instruments Core international crimes International courts and tribunals

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