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Elements of a Drama Vocabulary Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of a Drama Vocabulary Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of a Drama Vocabulary Notes

2 Drama A story that is intended to be ___________________ for an audience either on stage or before a ____________ PERFORMED CAMERA

3 Lines written out for _________________ to speak
Script Lines written out for _________________ to speak CHARACTERS

4 Stage Directions Often printed in __________, tells actors how to speak and ____________. Also describes the _______________ and the ________________. ITALIC MOVE SCENERY PROPS

5 Items on stage that help create the ___________________________
Scenery Items on stage that help create the ___________________________ SETTING

6 Objects used by the actors during the play
______________ PROPS Objects used by the actors during the play

7 Change whenever the ______________ changes
Scenes Change whenever the ______________ changes SETTING

8 Two or more scenes grouped together
Acts Two or more scenes grouped together

9 Foil Characters that provide a sharp _______________ to the qualities of the ______________ character. CONTRAST MAIN

10 ______________ PROTAGONIST Central/Main character, involved in main conflict and often changes (dynamic)

11 Character who _______________________ protagonist
Antagonist Character who _______________________ protagonist OPPOSES

12 _______________________ between characters
Dialogue _______________________ between characters _____________________ are not used, instead characters name is bold with lines printed after For example: Scrooge: But where am I to go? First Spirit: To get a cup of coffee. CONVERSATION QUOTATION MARKS

Theme The _____________________ about life taught by the story MESSAGE / LESSON / MORAL

14 End!

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