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Real Driving Emissions

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1 Real Driving Emissions
Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General European Commission CARS 21 High Level Group & Real Driving Emissions Stakeholder Expert Group on EU Air policy, 07 June 2011

2 DG Enterprise & Industry: « Automotive issues »
1. Legislative work (type-approval, emission standards, safety legislation) 2. Improving competitiveness of the European automotive industry impact assessments of the legislative proposals Reaction to the crisis « Green Cars Initiative » European strategy for clean and energy efficient vehicles CARS 21- on the Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth of the Automotive Industry in the EU

3 CARS 21 – history & re-launch
Launched in 2005, delivered final report Mid-term review in 2008 Meetings in 2009 on crisis response Re-launch: suggested by group itself (2008) Announced by VP Tajani in Feb 2010 Included in Strategy on Clean Vehicles (April) Favourably received by EP and Council in resolution / council conclusions

4 Re-launch on formal basis
Previous CARS 21 on informal basis Now, formal Commission Decision adopted on 14 October 2010 (OJ C 280, pp 32-34) Double objective: competitiveness and sustainable growth of EU auto industry First HLG meeting on 10 November 2010

5 Tasks Assist the Commission in questions related to competitiveness and sustainability Assist the Commission in implementing key policy initiatives Europe 2020 flagship initiative on resource-efficiency flagship initiative on industrial policy EU strategy on clean & energy-efficient vehicles Contribute to smooth economic & social transition Formulate sector-specific policy recommendations

6 Composition – what is different?
More Member States Other institutions (COR & EESC) Manufacturers of all vehicle types More component suppliers Not only petrol but also electricity suppliers More NGOs Stronger voice of users Stronger involvement of relevant Commission services

7 Three Level Structure High Level Group (Ministers, CEO’s, Commissioners, etc.) Sherpa group 4 Thematic Working Groups: Innovation, infrastructure & energy Trade & international harmonisation Social, industrial & territorial aspects CO2, emissions & internal market policies

8 State of play WG meetings took place in first half 2011 Interim report
Adoption foreseen in October 2011 Shared analysis of competitiveness aspects Policy recommendations on selected topics Final report Adoption foreseen for Spring 2012 Joint strategy towards competitive & sustainable auto industry in 2020 and beyond Broad set of policy recommendations

9 Real Driving Emissions (RDE)
General political framework Light duty vehicles: Euro 5/6 Heavy duty vehicles Euro V/VI

10 RDE: General political framework
“Traditional” test cycles do not deliver real driving emissions of criteria pollutants (CO, HC, NOx, PM/PN) <=> Limited duration, no “full” coverage of real driving conditions “Idealised” test conditions for the sake of high repeatability& reproducibility, least challenging for emission control Fully pre-defined test conditions, “hard” and “soft” cycle beating (i.e. emission control less effective at real driving than on test cycle)

11 RDE: General political framework
“Not-to-exceed” test procedures In principle “full” coverage of real driving conditions (ambient conditions/history, engine map, …) Test conditions not predefined, limited repeatability& reproducibility Certain boundary conditions, trip requirements (e.g. engine loads) Statistical evaluation of test results Compliance factors (>1) reflecting statistical uncertainties of results with respect to real driving emissions Examples: PEMS, randomised test cycles (?)

12 Legal situation of Regulation (EC) 715/2007:
RDE: Euro 5/6 light-duty vehicles Legal situation of Regulation (EC) 715/2007: Reference to “normal conditions of use” (i.e. no specific test cycle) for meeting regulatory criteria pollutant emission limits Prohibition of “defeat devices” Commission shall monitor situation of RDE and amend test procedures, if necessary Recital on “portable emission measurement systems (PEMS)” and “not-to-exceed” methods

13 RDE: Euro 5/6 light-duty vehicles
State of play: Massive exceedance of regulatory emission limits by RDE of Euro 3 & 4 vehicles known since long Same, i.e. non-compliance with 715/2007/EC, has been demonstrated for NOx emissions of Euro 5 diesel vehicles (almost no change of NOx RDE with respect to previous Euro stages & increase of NO2 emissions) ↓ COM has to act Objective: Development of RDE test procedure Regulatory adoption/implementation: end 2012/Euro 6 dates Industry lead time <=> Compliance factors Working group for RDE test procedure led by JRC established early 2011, open to all stakeholders actively collaborating

14 RDE: Euro V/VI heavy-duty vehicles
State of play: Euro V vehicles have worse emissions than expected in certain operating conditions (low load urban driving) aA number of measures to improve the robustness have been introduced for Euro VI One of the more important measures is the introduction of PEMS procedure for testing HDV on the road In order to assess the PEMS procedure and amend if justified a revision clause have been introduced in the implementing Reg for Euro VI ↓ COM will Assess the PEMS procedure according to the implementing Regulation for Euro VI Continue the PEMS developments under the lead of JRC including the following: Perform assessment by testing early Euro VI vehicles when they become available Amend the procedure to also cover alternative drive trains such as hybrids, dual fuel engines etc Assess PM-PEMS inclusion in the PEMS procedures for Euro VI Based on the assessment COM will propose amendments to the PEMS procedures if justified.

15 Special purpose vehicles (inner-city buses, garbage trucks):
RDE: Euro V/VI heavy-duty vehicles Special purpose vehicles (inner-city buses, garbage trucks): Disproportionally high health/environmental impact (urban areas) Due to the particularities of HD type approval (engine and not vehicle based), the specific operational conditions and limited number the emission performance may be difficult to control with type approval measures alone “Whole vehicle” assessment of criteria pollutant and CO2 emissions? Use procedures currently being developed for CO2 emissions by DG CLIMA also for criteria pollutant emissions? => Labelling scheme: use for public tendering, financial incentives including tax/road toll, access to environmental zones,…

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