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Radical Days of the Revolution

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1 Radical Days of the Revolution

2 Monarchy Abolished French Republic created Louis XVI
-Put on trial as a traitor of France -Convicted & Executed (beheaded) Marie Antoinette Same fate


4 Terror and Danger Grip France
Maximilien Robespierre Leader of Committee of Public Safety 12-member committee w/absolute power to protect Revolution Trials & Executions “Liberty cannot be secured unless criminals lose their heads”

5 Reign of Terror Period during the French Revolution in which government executed thousands of political figures and ordinary citizens 300,000 arrested; 17,000 executed Guillotine Device that dropped a sharp, heavy blade through victim’s neck “more humane method of beheading”

6 Third Stage of Revolution
Directory Consisted of 5 men along with a two-house legislature Ineffective at bringing change Bourgeoisie in control Politicians turned to Napoleon Bonaparte

7 Revolution Brings Change
Nationalism Strong feeling of pride and devotion to one’s country

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