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Fire action Camau pe bai tân

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1 Fire action Camau pe bai tân
In case of fire Pe bai tân If you discover a fire: Os dewch chi hyd i dân: Operate the fire alarm by breaking the glass. The alarm will sound automatically and either the scheme manager or the emergency alarm control room will call the fire brigade Leave the building and go to the assembly point stated below Seiniwch y larwm tân drwy dorri’r gwydr. Bydd y larwym yn seinio’n awtomatig a bydd naill ai rheolwr y cynllun neu’r ystafell rheoli argyfyngau yn galw’r frigâd dân Ewch allan o’r adeilad, gan fyndi’r man ymgynnull a nodir isod If the fire alarm sounds: Os bydd y larwm tân yn seinio: Stay where you are unless you are advised to leave Wait for further instruction as to whether you need to move to an alternative area of safety or whether evacuation is necessary Evacuate if the fire is in the area you are in Arhoswch lle’r ydych chi oni bai y cynghorir chi i adael Arhoswch am gyfarwyddiadau pellach a oes angen i chi symud i fan diogel arall, neu a oes angen symud allan Ewch allan o’r adeilad os yw’r tân yn eich rhan chi If evacuation is necessary: Os oes angen mynd allan o’r adeilad: Proceed to the nearest available fire exit if you come across the fire, do not attempt to put it out, leave by another route Do not use the lift to leave the building 1. Ewch drwy’r allanfa dân agosaf sydd ar gael 2. Os dewch chi wyneb yn wyneb â’r tân, peidiwch â cheisio ei ddiffodd, ewch allan drwy ffordd arall 3. Peidiwch â defnyddio’r lifft i fynd allan o’r adeilad 4. Go to the ASSEMBLY POINT stated below: 4. Ewch I’r MAN YMGYNNULL a nodir isod: 5. Do not return to the building until authorised to do so 5. Peidiwch â dychwelyd I’r adeilad nes awdurdodir chi i wneud hynny

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