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Vocab #11-15 By Robert McCue.

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1 Vocab #11-15 By Robert McCue

2 vacuous having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless
Adj. Vacuous statements Space is in a vacuum and space is empty so space is vacuous

3 Veracious speaking or representing the truth Adj. A veracious witness.
ve·ra·cious·ly, adverb ve·ra·cious·ness, noun non·ve·ra·cious, adjective non·ve·ra·cious·ly, adverb non·ve·ra·cious·ness, noun

4 Supercilious displaying arrogant pride, scorn, or indifference, adj
super'ciliously His face showed a supercilious expression cili> villian> joker> scars

5 Meretricious alluring by a show of flashy or vulgar attractions, adj
The car was very meretricious mer·e·tri·cious·ly, adverb mer·e·tri·cious·ness, noun un·mer·e·tri·cious, adjective un·mer·e·tri·cious·ly, adverb un·mer·e·tri·cious·ness, noun Prostitute> flashy

6 Surreptitious Secretly; adj The ninjas were very surreptitious
sur·rep·ti·tious·ly, adverb sur·rep·ti·tious·ness, noun Stealthily and surreptitious both start with s

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