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Early Experience with HAA & SB 35 Objective Standards Requirements

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1 Early Experience with HAA & SB 35 Objective Standards Requirements
21 Elements Meeting of September 11, 2018

2 City Overview Incorporated 1957 12.6 sq. mi. land area
Population Density: 2,942 / sq. mi. San Francisco: 17,179 / sq. mi. Daly City: 13,194 / sq. mi. San Bruno: 7,505 / sq. mi. SSF: 6,961 / sq. mi. Millbrae: 6,631 / sq. mi. Burlingame: 6,538 / sq. mi. HMB: 1,762 / sq. mi. Adjusted Population Density (exclude open space): 4,202 / sq. mi.

3 Land Use Designations Open Space Residential 1 unit per more than 5 acres Very Low Density Residential units per acre Low Density Residential 3-9 units per acre Medium Density Residential units per acre High Density Residential units per acre Mixed Use Residential 22 units per acre

4 Geographic Considerations

5 Key Land Areas Under SB 35 ~30% permanent open space ~15% Coastal Zone

6 Key Land Areas Under SB 35 No parking required for projects in many parts of city One space per unit requirement is also lower than typical parking standards

7 Objective Standards Review

8 Objective Standards Engaged Consultant to Perform Review
Two Advantages: Staff augmentation “Fresh set of eyes” Performed Two-step Review Subjective standards and ways to improve Listing of objective standards

9 Subjective Standards Review General Plan
CIR-4. Provide access which is safe and consistent with the level of development. CD-1. Preserve the unique qualities of the City’s neighborhoods. CD-7. When determining level of development, the City shall consider views of the ridgelines from the Bay side of the Peninsula, as well as from the Pacifica side. LU-5. Ridgelines designated as visually prominent should be protected from residential and commercial development. LU-8. Land use and development shall protect and enhance the individual character of each neighborhood.

10 Subjective Standards Review Residential Clustered Housing Development Standards
For projects in low density areas, that the privacy of nearby residences will not be reduced to an extent which exceeds that which would normally be reduced by conventional single-family dwellings. That the architectural features of proposed structures will be integrated harmoniously into the design character of the immediate neighborhood

11 Subjective Standards Review Planned Development Standards
The amenities and compatibilities of the P-D District shall be insured through the adoption of a development plan and specific plans showing proper orientation, desirable design character, and compatible land uses... Each unit of the development, as well as the total development, can exist as an independent development capable of creating an environment of sustained desirability and stability or adequate assurance that such objective will be attained. The land uses proposed will not be detrimental to the present or potential surrounding uses but will have a beneficial effect which would not be achieved through other districts; The area surrounding the development can be planned and zoned in coordination and substantial compatibility with the proposed development…

12 Objective Standards Objective Standards Review
Typical development standards (height, setback, lot coverage, etc.) General Plan Land Use Element density ranges CD-5. Require underground utilities in all new development.

13 Objective Standards Objective Standards Review Design Guidelines Surprise! Design Guidelines had many objective standards Landscaping Guideline C.3: “Five gallon sizes for shrubs and 5 to 15 gallons for trees…are considered minimum container sizes.” Landscaping Guideline C.9: Street Trees shall be a minimum of 15 standard gallon size trees with two (2) trees per lot. Landscape Design for New Development Guideline D.1: Groundcover other than turf shall be used on all slopes exceeding 10 percent. Guideline G.2.a: The upper level of any exposed front or rear elevation should step back at least eight feet from the plane of the lower levels if they are offset from each other. Guidelines G.2 (b) Farallon Building Deign. Living space, exclusive of garage, shall not exceed 2,450 square feet.

14 Areas of Concern

15 Areas of Concern HAA & SB 35: SB 35:
Lack of robust set of objective standards for various project types. Design Guidelines require more objective standards. Mixed Use Projects | 2/3 floor area for residential SB 35: Project deemed consistent if compliant with maximum density in General Plan.

16 Thank You

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