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Mrs. Fesperman’s Classroom Newsletter September 18, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Fesperman’s Classroom Newsletter September 18, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Fesperman’s Classroom Newsletter September 18, 2017
What Are We Learning? The students are adjusting to first grade. Right now, we are working on neater work, doing our best, following rules and getting our work completed. Our first spelling test went very well. Each week (unless it is a short week) you should see in your child’s folder, the spelling/reading words test scores and a new unit for the following week. If you did not get Unit 2 spelling on Friday in your child’s folder please let us know. The rhyme patterns in Unit 2 are –am, -an and –ack endings. Tricky words are: and, I and like. We do not have Story Words yet but will soon. Thank you to all the families that helped your child do the optional homework. We had a great response. Please make sure that your child includes the written part of the homework when they return it. We need to see what they did. Please go through your child’s folder each night and take out the work from the day. Math – (1.NBT.1a) I can count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. (1.NBT.2b) I can model numbers from (1.NBT.2c) I can model numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 , 90. ELA – (1.RL.1a) I can answer questions about details in a story. (1.RL.1b) I can ask questions about details in a story. (1.RL.2a) I can retell a story using important details. (1.RL.2c) I can use details to describe the characters of a story. (1.RL.3a) I can use details to describe the setting of a story. (1.RF.2c) I can say each sound in a word. (1.W.3) I can write a story telling about two events in order. Science - Continue with introductions to what scientists do Social Studies - Continue and build what a friend is and explain why rules are needed to promote fairness and settle conflicts. IB Connection – How We Organize Ourselves/Line of Inquiry – We will discuss how we resolve conflict and handle emotions when influenced by the actions of others. Spanish Phrase of the Week - Ayuda which means help. Reminders/Notes If you have not paid for Scholastic News, please let us know if it is a hardship or please send in the $7.50 CCE Talent Show Calling all talented first graders! If your child is interested in trying out for the annual CCE Talent Show, please let us know. We will get the information and applications from the Music Dept. Questions or comments please contact me at: address: Phone number:

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