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Gases: Dimensionless particles in constant straight line motion colliding with their container walls 100 % elastically to create pressure.

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Presentation on theme: "Gases: Dimensionless particles in constant straight line motion colliding with their container walls 100 % elastically to create pressure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gases: Dimensionless particles in constant straight line motion colliding with their container walls 100 % elastically to create pressure

2 Liquids: Condensed state in which the particles are clustered ( particles). Order is found within the clusters but not from cluster to cluster. Attractive forces significant to make clusters but not significant enough to keep clusters from moving past each other.

3 Solids: with attractive forces between the particles Structural units strong enough to make a rigid structure. (i.e. particles held in fixed positions by chemical bonds)

4 Solids: Structural units with attractive forces between the particles strong enough to make a rigid structure. With An Order Without An Order (crystalline) (amorphous)

5 Scanning Tunneling Micrograph of the surface of Platinum

6 Solids: Structural units with attractive forces between the particles strong enough to make a rigid structure. With An Order Without An Order (crystalline) (amorphous) Simplest Repeating Pattern in 3-D Unit Cell… Eight points of a crystal lattice. (many types) A parallelopiped… A box A polyhedron with six faces, all of which are parallelograms

7 Octahedral Coordination
1 Particle per Unit Cell Simple Cubic Polonium

8 Coordination # = 8 2 Particles per Unit Cell Body-Centered Cubic Sodium

9 Coordination # = 12 4 Particles per Unit Cell Face-Centered Cubic Copper

10 4 ions of each type per unit cell
NaCl (halite) Coordination # of 6 for each ion

11 4 ions of each type per unit cell
ZnS (zincblende) Coordination # of 4 for each ion

12 Coordination # of 4 for each ion
…different crystalline arrangements for the same chemical formula… ALLOTROPES ZnS (wurtzite) Coordination # of 4 for each ion

13 8 atoms per unit cell Diamond Coordination # of 4 for each atom

14 Scanning Tunneling Micrograph of the surface of graphite.


16 unhybridized p orbitals (on each carbon atom)
p molecular orbitals (a network of them)

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