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HIV/AIDS Presentation

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1 HIV/AIDS Presentation
Mya Abrams Period: 1/2

2 HIV AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

What is A VIRUS? Bacteria that invades living cells, to survive it replicates and keeps growing. They can cause the infected person to get diseases. The virus enters the host cell and replicates itself until the cell bursts. HOW DOES A VIRUS REPRODUCE ?

4 Scientists think the first version of the virus was from a chimpanzee
Scientists think the first version of the virus was from a chimpanzee. When people were hunting chimpanzee’s for their meat they were infected and it slowly spread around the world. Where did it come from?

5 It can be contracted by having unprotected sex, sharing injecting equipment, mother to baby or contaminated blood transfusions. HOW IS IT CONTRACTED?

6 Where was the first recorded case?
The first case was a man in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo in the 1920’s.

7 What are the symptoms? Symptoms can vary depending on what stage you’re in. In the early stages you may get flu like symptoms such as headaches, fevers, sore throats, muscle aches and fatigue. As it spreads you can get worse symptoms. Such as weight loss, serious illness, mouth and skin problems, coughing, night sweats and regular infections.

8 How long does it take to develop into aids?
It takes at least 10 or more years to develop into aids. But it can vary if the person gets treated, their health, genetics, or their lifestyle choices.

9 How many people have died worldwide?
There have been 940,000 deaths in the year of 2017.

10 How many people are infected worldwide?
There are currently 36.9 million people living with HIV and AIDS.

11 How many people have died in the us?
In 2015 there were approximately 658,507 deaths in the US. How many people have died in the us?

12 Celebrities that have died from aids
Eazy-E Freddie Mercury Amanda Blake

13 Famous people who have aids
Charlie Sheen Magic Johnson

14 What you can do to avoid infection
Don’t inject drugs or use anyone else’s needles. Use a condom every time you have sex. Limit sexual partners. Take medicine that can prevent it.

15 Treatments and medicines that are working
There are pills that can help prevent HIV and help the infected boost their immune system. Anti-retroviral therapy won’t get rid of it but it will help slow down the progress of the disease.

16 conclusion Many people are infected and killed of HIV and AIDS every year. It is a dangerous disease that does not have a cure, many people don’t know the dangers of how they can contract it. People who find out they have it find out too late to do anything about it.

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