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2B: Additional Information

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1 2B: Additional Information
Nov. 28th – Dec. 2nd This Week… In Language Arts we worked on.. Compare and contrast characters in a story Friendly letter Parts of a letter Next week we will work on.. Possessive nouns Continue Friendly Letter In Math, we worked on…. Time to the nearest ½ hour Measurement to the nearest ½ cm. and ½ in. Measurement centimeter tree - Continue time and measurement 2B’s Highlights \ 2B: Additional Information Dec. 5th- Day 2 (Swimming) Dec. 6th– Day 3 (Gym & Music) Dec. 7th -Day 4 (World Language & Art) Dec. 8th- Day 5 (Library) Dec. 9th-Day 6(Music) Upcoming Events - Dec. 6 &7- Nativity Play, 2:00 in Kresge MPR Liturgy ~ Kresge- feel free to join! Dec. 15th- Whole School Christmas Concert- Antonian Dec. 9th- Dec. 15th- Basket Raffle. 2B will be attending as a class Dec. 13th at 10:00 AM. Christmas Play News! We will perform our nativity play on Tuesday and Wednesday next week at 2:00 in the Kresge MPR. Choir members and narrators should bring dress up clothes on both of these days to change into. Students with speaking parts will have costumes to put over their uniforms. We’re looking forward to performing for our family and friends!

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