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A Bill Becomes A Law House of Representatives Senate.

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Presentation on theme: "A Bill Becomes A Law House of Representatives Senate."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Bill Becomes A Law House of Representatives Senate

2 What is a Bill? A bill is Congress’s first step toward making a law.

3 Step 1 Proposing a Bill Before a bill can be introduced someone must come up with the idea.

4 Where do ideas for bills come from?
Congress members Congressional staff Citizens Lobbyist President

5 Step 2 Introducing Bill Bills can be introduced in either the House or
the Senate

6 House of Representatives
Proposed bills are written and dropped in a hopper. Then, they are given a number (HR123).

7 Step 3 Assignment to Committee
Researched and studied Sometimes sent to subcommittee May be pigeon-holed

8 Step 3 Assignment to Committee
Hearings are held for the public. Lobbyists testify. Must be approved by the majority of the committee 95% of bills DIE in committee

9 Step 4 Floor (full house)
Read and debated (amendments made) Debate is limited Sent to Senate (if House passes by majority vote)

10 Step 5 Sent to Senate Introduction Written and announced to Senate
Given a number (S321)

11 Step 6 Senate Sends Bill to Committee
Researched and studied. Sometimes sent to subcommittee May be pigeon-holed

12 Step 6 Senate Sends Bill to Committee
Must be approved by the majority of the committee 95% of bills die in committee

13 Step 7 Senate Floor (full Senate) Read and debated
Unlimited debate(filibuster) Must be passed by majority vote

14 Step 8 Joint Conference Committee
Members from each house meet and resolve differences (COMPROMISE) Revised bill is sent back to houses for further review

15 Step 9 Final Approval Both houses VOTE on the compromise

16 Step 10 President- Is it a law?
The President can: Sign the bill into a law Veto Pocket Veto (in 10 days bill dies if Congress ends,it passes if Congress stays in session)

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